Community Notes
Valley Press-Mineral Independent | UPDATED 8 years, 9 months AGO
Medical foundation fundraiser June 25
The Mineral County Medical Foundation is sponsoring a fundraiser on Saturday, June 25th at the St Regis Community Center. “Sing into Spring” with the Singing Sons of Beaches promises to be an evening of hand clapping and laughter as these gentlemen entertain with original songs that have been tailor-made for Mineral County as well as old time favorites that will bring back great memories. Fried chicken, fruit and desserts will be served at 6 and the ever popular ‘cash raffle’ will be held where you don’t have to be present to win up to $250. Tickets for the evening or raffle can be purchased at 822-5122. The Mineral County Medical Foundation raises money to assist all of the medical facilities in the county. Their annual Golf Tournament is Saturday, September 10.
Forest field trip
The Forest Service is hosting a field trip to the Redd Bull project area (located south and west of St. Regis in Dry, Little Joe, Twomile, and Ward Creeks) to share information and discuss management options. Transportation will be provided. You will need to bring a lunch and dress appropriately for a day outside.
Please join us: Tuesday June 28th, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The trip will start from the St. Regis Community Center at 9 a.m. If you would like to participate, please RSVP by June 17 by calling the Superior Ranger District at 822-4233 or by email at:
Annual yard sale
DeBorgia Historic Schoolhouse 7th Annual Yard Sale will be June 10th and 11th on the Schoolhouse grounds. 9-6 on Friday; 9-4 on Saturday. Find your treasures and enjoy our $2 Hot Dog Lunch, homemade Cinnamon Rolls, plants, baked goods and neighborhood camaraderie. (Exit 18 off of I-90)
Playground launch
The Mineral County Community Foundation is hosting a launch party, “Let’s Play,” to expand playground equipment at the Eva Horning Park in Superior. July 24, from 2 until 6 pm with a BBQ, live music, and children’s games. Volunteers are needed to help install the equipment in September. Information at (406) 369-5649.
Annual quilt show
The Cabin Fever Quilt Guild is holding their 16th Annual Quilt Show, “From Small Towns with Big Hearts” on August 5-6, 2016, at Superior High School from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Information available on Facebook.
Free smoke alarms
Superior Volunteer Fire Department has teamed up with the American Red Cross to install up to three smoke alarms in local residents’ homes for free. These alarms have ten year batteries, making them low maintenance. Contact Superior’s Fire Chief, Rob Torrey at to sign up, or contact Jacqueline with American Red Cross at (406) 274-4646 or
Farmers market
Alberton Community Farmers Market will be held on Thursdays from 5 to 8 p.m. in the Community Center parking lot from until Sept. 10. Vendor tables are free. Contact:
Veterans clinic
Mobile Veterans Clinic, Monday’s 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Mineral Community Hospital.
Ham radio
During the weekend of June 24-26, a group of Amateur Radio Operators (Hams) from Montana and Washington will be showing off their emergency operation capabilities during an annual event called “Field Day.” A team of hams calling themselves Haugen’s Heroes will be demonstrating Amateur Radio on the grounds of the Historic Savenac Tree Nursery at Haugan (I-90 exit 16, eighteen miles West of St. Regis) on June 24th through June 26th.
Their station will be operational in the area of the Cookhouse at Savenac, with radios powered by solar charged or generator charged deep cycle batteries. The public is invited to attend the event and see first-hand a ham radio “emergency” station in operation.
Bus service
The Mineral County Pioneer Council offers transportation services to all Mineral County residents; however, space is limited. Call to schedule your seat on the bus. There are nine (9) seats available and the bus is wheelchair accessible. This makes room for only 7. Pioneer Council also offers a Respite Relief Program for county residents caring for a senior citizen full-time.
MISSOULA BUS SCHEDULE – Round trip (or one way) from the West End, St. Regis, Superior and Alberton to Missoula 4 times each month (1st and 3rd Thursday, 2nd Monday, 4th Wednesday).
Arrive City Depart
7:50 am West End 8:00 am
8:20 am St. Regis 8:30 am
8:50 am Superior 9:00 am
9:40 am Alberton 9:50 am
10:20 am Missoula 4:00 pm
Cost share: West End-$14.00, St. Regis-$12.00, Superior- $10.00, Alberton- $5.00
WEST END TO SUPERIOR BUS SCHEDULE – Round trip (or one way) from Saltese, Haugan, DeBorgia and St. Regis to Superior 1 time each month (2nd Thursday).
Arrive City Depart
9:30 am Saltese 9:40 am
9:55 am Haugan 10:00 am
10:10 am DeBorgia 10:15 am
10:30 am St. Regis 10:35 am
10:50 am Superior 3:00 pm
Cost Share: Saltese-$6.00, Haugan-DeBorgia-$5.00, St. Regis-$4.00
PLAINS BUS SCHEDULE – Round trip (or one way) from West End, Superior, and St. Regis to Plains 1 time each month ( 2nd Wednesday).
Arrive City Depart
7:40 am West End 7:45 am
8:20 am Superior 8:30 am
8:50 am St. Regis 9:00 am
9:40 am Plains 3:00 pm
Cost Share: West End-$10.00, Superior-$10.00, St. Regis-$7.00
KELLOGG, IDAHO BUS SCHEDULE – Round trip (or one way) from Superior, St. Regis, and West End to Kellogg, Idaho and surrounding area 1 time each month (2nd Friday)
Arrive City Depart
9:00 am Superior 9:10 am
9:30 am St. Regis 9:35 am
9:50 am DeBorgia 9:55 am
10:00 am Haugan 10:05 am
10:15 am Saltese 10:20 am
11:05 am Kellogg, Idaho 4:00 pm
Cost Share: Superior-$12.00, St. Regis-$10.00, DeBorgia/Haugan-$7.00, Saltese-$5.00
For more information – eligible anywhere in Mineral County, 60 years and older – call (406) 280-0167 (Pat).
For the Transportation Coordinator, call (406) 678-4240, (406) 214-5093 or (406) 214-5041