Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Prescribed burns planned near Whitefish

Whitefish Pilot | UPDATED 8 years, 11 months AGO
| March 24, 2016 10:00 PM

The Flathead National Forest is planning to conduct spring prescribed fire projects as conditions become favorable.

Smoke will be visible from various places in the Flathead Valley depending on the location of the burn units and weather conditions.

Two burns are planned within the Tally Lake Ranger District.

• Logan 203: A 64 acre natural fuels understory burn to reduce fuel in the Wildland Urban Interface and improved Mule Deer and Elk habitat in the Star Meadows area.

• Beaver Lake North 30: A34 acre natural fuels understory burn to reduce fuel in the Wildland Urban Interface and improve big game habitat approximately 4 miles west of Whitefish.

One burn is planned on the Hungry Horse District.

Approximately 5 acres of maintenance burning on the Forest Service compound in Hungry Horse to reduce the fuel load so there is less likelihood of a significant fire starting and spreading to other properties in the community.