Monday, March 24, 2025

LETTER: Here are some facts that were not brought up about refugees

Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 8 years, 12 months AGO
| March 27, 2016 7:00 AM

In response to “Don’t be afraid” on the Montana Perspectives page of the March 20 Daily Inter Lake, and also to “What would Jesus say?” in the same issue, I submit the following:

Kristina Graber Wilfore says, “Let’s take a look at the facts.” What facts? Her article took up most of the front page along with her credentials, and not only did she not once mention the threat of sharia law being imposed on America by these refugees, she never once used the words Muslim or Islam. There’s a fact for you. I’m opposed to settling them anywhere in the U.S. They’re coming here to kill us.

Carol Santa employs the usual tactic of cherry-picking Jesus’ teachings. Jesus also said, “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces” (Matthew 7:6, NIV). This is what Muslims do.

The “peaceful” ones are not allowed to speak out against the terrorist jihadists because that would be apostasy. The Koran tells Muslims to kill infidels (Koran 9:5). Peaceful infiltration is a part of jihad, but they don’t tell us that. What Jesus said there is a commandment also, or can’t you read English?

If vetting is such a problem, simply ask the refugee to renounce Allah. If the answer is no, ship him or her back to wherever he or she came from. He or she would only find whatever way possible to impose sharia law on America. If the answer is yes, then require that he or she swear on the Bible never to push for sharia. If he or she refuses, ship him or her back where he or she belongs. If he or she complies, then by all means, settle him or her somewhere. Islam is bad news. I’ve emailed this to the president of the United States and to Montana federal and state politicians, so I’ve done my part.

—Eric Knutson, Dayton


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