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Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 8 years, 8 months AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County Historical Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Dr. W. C. Hayden is one of 22 physicians attending the medical refresher course at Stanford University, Palo Alto, May 4, 5, and 6. The course is sponsored by the American Cancer Society and deals with the latest information concerning tumors and diagnosis for treatment.
Steve Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans, returned to Sandpoint from a Spokane hospital where he submitted to surgery on a knee. He suffered a knee injury last winter while skiing.
Bill Derr and Russell Lowther, both of Clark Fork, caught six big Kamloops opening day April 30, in the Clark Fork river below Clark Fork. Roland Derr and Stan Stender, also of Clark Fork, were members of the fishing party and caught their share.
Over 150 Kamloops and Dolly Varden were caught over the opening weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. William Nikkola, Spokane, greeted an 8-pound, 7-ounce boy on May 1.
Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rojan and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nikkola, all of Sandpoint.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
May 10, 1916 — BESSIE DERR WINS
Bessie Derr, of Clarksfork, won first honors in the spelling contest held at the Central school building Friday night to determine who should represent the Bonner county school children at the interstate fair spelling match to be held in Spokane this fall. Of the contestants from the various county schools ten were able to correctly spell the 50 words given out orally and the 50 words in the written test. These ten then spelled down, Bessie Derr winning.
The state university’s agricultural extension department gave its O.K. to the new buildings at the local experimental farm, including the home of the manager and the barn and attached shed.
The house is modern in every respect, contains six rooms with hot and cold water, measures 28x30 feet and is in the bungalow style. The barn, which measures 60x46 feet, including a shed, has room for six head of horses, including one large and one small box stall, nine head of cattle and can be arranged to take care of 11 more. The mow of the barn will hold 50 tons of hay.
Superintendent F.H. LaFrenz reports that the backward spring weather prevented clearing but five acres of land this year. The main object of this season’s work will be to put in sufficient crop to furnish feed for the stock next winter.
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