Saturday, February 01, 2025

You should know

Sheree DiBIASE | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 8 years, 8 months AGO
by Sheree DiBIASEPT
| May 11, 2016 9:00 PM

The time is now for you to have your annual physical therapy evaluation for any of your musculoskeletal problems. I know, maybe you think your back or shoulder pain is just something you have to live with, or maybe you think that nagging sciatica or old whiplash injury is just something you must endure. But why? You can come in for a baseline evaluation of your musculoskeletal system and get help for what ails you. Physical therapists are movement specialists. They train in what is normal movement patterns so they can know what is abnormal and then they can get you back on track.

"As of January 1, 2015, all 50 states, the District of Columbia and the US Virgin Islands allow patients to seek some level of treatment from a licensed physical therapist without a prescription or referral from a physician,” according to a statement released by the American Physical Therapy Association concerning direct access of services at a state level. This was a wonderful privilege that our association fought hard for in every state across the country. It's the right for us as practitioners to evaluate, screen and care for people who may need our services without any gatekeeper to our care.

Our physical therapy profession has educated its physical therapists with this idea in mind. They wanted physical therapists to be able to screen for musculoskeletal issues, to know how to recognize injuries that were in their scope of practice, and to be able to recognize when to refer patients out to other health care providers.

So, think of what an hour evaluation could do for you. It could help you get another whole perspective on your health, and get you ready for the active summer you desire. Remember, it's never too late to make your move towards a healthy lifestyle.


Sheree DiBiase, PT, is the owner of Lake City Physical Therapy, and she and her staff feel an annual physical musculoskeletal evaluation will help you move forward boldly for your health. So don't wait, call today: Coeur d'Alene office (208) 667-1988, Hayden office (208) 872-4201, Spokane valley office (509) 891-2623.


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