Thursday, March 20, 2025

Community Notes

Kathleen Woodford | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 8 years, 9 months AGO
by Kathleen Woodford
| May 30, 2016 12:00 PM

Mineral County Relay for Life is holding their annual “Lunch in the Lot” fundraiser on Wednesday, June 8 next to the Trail West Bank in Superior from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Enjoy hamburgers, taco salad, nachoes, cookies, pies, lemonade and ice tea. Call Peggy at 822-0922 for more information. Relay for Life is a part of the American Cancer Society.

The Mineral County Community Foundation is hosting a launch party, “Let’s Play,” to expand playground equipment at the Eva Horning Park in Superior. July 24, from 2 until 6 pm with a BBQ, live music, and children’s games. Volunteers are needed to help install the equipment in September. Information at (406) 369-5649.

The Cabin Fever Quilt Guild is offering quilts for local vets, as well as for other people in need. The Guild is also holding their 16th Annual Quilt Show, “From Small Towns with Big Hearts” on August 5-6, 2016, at Superior High School from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Information available on Facebook.

Superior Volunteer Fire Department has teamed up with the American Red Cross to install up to three smoke alarms in local residents’ homes for FREE. These alarms have ten year batteries, making them low maintenance. Contact Superior’s Fire Chief, Rob Torrey at to sign up, or contact Jacqueline with American Red Cross at (406) 274-4646 or

Alberton Community Farmers’ Market will be held on Thursdays from 5 to 8 p.m. in the Community Center parking lot from until Sept. 10. Vendor tables are free. Contact:

Mobile Veterans Clinic, Monday’s 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Mineral Community Hospital.

Mineral County Museum searches for Centennial Families from 1914 to 2014

The Mineral County Museum is searching for descendants of families who have lived in the county from 1914 to 2014. The list will be used to update the Mineral County History book, which was last updated in 2004. The 2016 edition will be available the first part of June.

Saltese descendants will be included in this edition. Family stories and additional historical articles will also be added. To date, twenty-six descendants of residents who have lived in Mineral County between 1914 and 2014 have been located.

The museum is also doing a production called Superior “Stories in Stone”, this summer. It will consist of people who are interred in the local cemetery, and have interesting stories to tell. Participants will don appropriate costumes and tell about that person’s life. Over the next couple of years, they hope to include St. Regis and Saltese in this endeavor.

Please contact the museum, 822-3543, Sue McLees or Kay Strombo to participate in the “Stories in Stone” production, also to add or change information in the 2016 edition of the Mineral County History book.

The following are listed in the Mineral County History book; Centennial Families 1914-2014:

Michael Albert, Alberton, descendant of Raouel ALBERT and Mamie Brown.

Patricia Warnken Brockway, Rosemary Warnken Semenko, Francis Warnken Parker, Dick, James, & Clifford Warnken, Superior, descendants of Stanislaus BOUCHARD and Rosa Legault.

Cathy Castles Kuhl, granddaughter and Thomas R Castles, grandson, of William CASTLES and Catherine Irwin.

Roy Charette; Tim, John & George Spangler grandchildren of Joseph CHARETTE and Josephine Legault.

Elaine Graybill Robinson, great-granddaughter of Charles CORN and Minnie Jeffries.

Jim Cyr, Superior, and Helen Cyr Yarnell, Alberton, whose ancestors were Vital CYR and Eleanore Hebert.

Descendants of Benjamin DONALLY and Lucy Donald – Phil Donally and Shawn Heyer, Superior.

Billie Ann Frey Bricker, her ancestors were Christ FREY and Louise Brechbilder.

Sue Glidersleeve McLees is the great-granddaughter of Isaac GILDERSLEEVE and Emily Green.

Granddaughter of William HANKINSON and Joanna Williams is Jackie Hankinson Robb, Tarkio.

The granddaughter of Ole JOHNSON and Emma Larson is Kathy Doyle Jasper.

John W MacDONALD and Sadie Wilkinson has two granddaughters in Superior, Neva MacDonald Cummings and Hyrel MacDonald Welsh.

Mary Jo Hollenback Lommen is a descendant of Abraham MAYO and Elizabeth Reiser.

Thomas MILES and “Lizzie” Elizabeth Cockrell’s grandson is Patrick Miles of Superior.

Ken Miller’s grandparents were Henry MILLER and Anna Borgis, St Regis.

Connie Nichols Ireland had as grandparents, Thomas NICHOLS and Agnes Christianson, Superior.

“Candy” Oswald Joseph PIKE, Superior, his grandson is Joe Pike.

Tina Sansom Hill, St Regis, is the descendant of William Sansom and Grace Strike.

Susan Eggers SCHMITZ of Alberton has a granddaughter, Frances Kinney Rogers.

William SCHNEIDER and Minnie McLain’s grandson is William Schneider of Superior.

Elaine Graybill Robinson is also the granddaughter of Orin SHYROCK and Clara Hand.

Granddaughter of August SWANSON and Sadie Donally is Mary Jo Smith Gould.

The Viche family is represented by Sam Viche, Maxine Viche McGuigan and Seven Hobbs whose ancestors were Mickel VICHE and Mabel Forry.

Thomas THOMPSON and Blanche Fletcher are the ancestors of Betty Thompson Leveille, Alberton.

Dick, Tim and Paul Wilkinson of Superior have as their ancestors Devern WILKINSON and Lulu Garvin.

Ham Radio Demonstration at Savenac June 24-26

During the weekend of June 24-26, a group of Amateur Radio Operators (Hams) from Montana and Washington will be showing off their emergency operation capabilities during an annual event called “Field Day”.

Ham radio operators are constantly being given national recognition for emergency communications support including their efforts during such disasters as hurricanes, wild fires, earthquakes, and other manmade, and natural disasters.

Do you have a community event, or story idea? Please send them to: Kathy Woodford, Mineral Independent at or mail to: PO Box 667, Plains, MT 59859 or call (406) 826-3402.


Mineral County prepares for centennial celebration
Valley Press-Mineral Independent | Updated 10 years, 9 months ago
Mineral County Community Calendar - June 12, 2013
Valley Press-Mineral Independent | Updated 11 years, 9 months ago
Relay for Life kicks off in Mineral County
Valley Press-Mineral Independent | Updated 13 years, 12 months ago


Runners help cancer patients 'Fuel The Fight'
October 19, 2017 11:50 a.m.

Runners help cancer patients 'Fuel The Fight'

Colorful balloons representing different types of cancer adorned the finish line at Frenchtown Pond State Park on Sept. 30 at the second annual Fuel the Fight 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run. The event is a fundraiser to provide pre-paid fuel cards to help cancer patients in rural communities around Missoula off-set the costs of traveling to and from their treatments.

Students enjoy Talk (and Walk!) Like a Pirate Day
September 27, 2017 9:15 a.m.

Students enjoy Talk (and Walk!) Like a Pirate Day

It was all hands on deck at the Mineral County Library’s first Talk Like a Pirate Day program held on Sept. 19 after school. Around 30 landlubber hearties gathered and played games, walked the plank, drew their own treasure maps and drank pirate punch.

Spring wolf sightings reported in area
April 10, 2018 6:25 a.m.

Spring wolf sightings reported in area

Prior to 1990, there were very few people in Montana who may have heard the howl of a wolf. By 1925 the species was eradicated from the state and remained virtually extinct until recovery efforts began.