Thursday, March 27, 2025

Veterans honored by students

Kathleen Woodford | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 8 years, 4 months AGO
by Kathleen Woodford
| November 16, 2016 12:36 PM


Sixth grader, Payton Milender was the emcee for an appreciation day honoring local veterans on Friday, Nov. 11 in Superior.


<p>Students made presentations about the American Flag, and other emblems to show their knowledge and appreciation for what it means to be an American on Veterans Day in Superior</p>


The Superior Color Guard demonstrated how they honor fallen soldiers with a gun salute.


Superior elementary students gave presentations during a special recognition ceremony to honor local veterans on Friday, Nov. 11.


The Superior Honor Guard presented the flags during a special recognition ceremony in the Superior elementary gym on Veterans Day.


Students made presentations about the American Flag, and other emblems to show their knowledge and appreciation for what it means to be an American on Veterans Day in Superior

Veterans Day was on Friday, Nov. 11 and several events took place in Mineral County to honor our local vets, including breakfasts at the school in St. Regis and at the Masonic Temple in Superior hosted by Eastern Star. Also in Superior, the elementary students held a special presentation in the gym.

Each grade took turns to express their appreciation, as well as shared their knowledge about the American traditions and what it means to be American. This included questions and answers about the American Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. The third graders talked about the meaning behind the stars and stripes on the American flag and other pertinent information regarding the flag.

“Thank you veterans, for serving us,” was one expression of gratitude made by a student.

“You saved Americans,” said another.

There was also comments regarding current political events from our future generation of voters, including the hope that President-elect Donal Trump will welcome back returning veterans and help them get jobs, and how businesses should hire veterans. One sixth grader also expressed concerns over 49er's quarterback Colin Kaepernick not standing for the National Anthem during football games.

Sixth grader Payton Milender was the emcee for the afternoon, which also included a presentation by the Superior Color Guard.

The Guard, which is made up of Doug Cummings, and Lee Magone who fought in the Korean War; Chuck Case, Dan Arnsan, Ken Quitt, Jim Debree, Herman Berneking, Ed Heppe, and Tim Wilkinson who fought in Vietnam; and Norris Grunhuvd from WWII. They provided the presentation of Colors, and also simulated how they honor fallen soldiers with a gun salute, which included Grunhuvd playing Taps on the bugle.

Students then gave mementos they had made to the men and women in the audience who have served in the Armed Forces.


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