Vote for Clinton, not 'next Hitler'
Bill Baum | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 8 years, 5 months AGO
I am saddened and disillusioned that the country I was born into, the United States of America, is sliding down so far. The wildlife is always in danger of losing their habitat needed to survive and the entire planet is beginning a sixth mass extinction due to upcoming extreme climate change. Many of us give it only 50 more years, as we have gone past the point of no return. It will follow a non-linear mathematical function … perhaps as steep as an exponential curve.
I spent my career trying to be a good patriot by serving my country working as an aerospace engineer and computer scientist on such federal government programs as the Gemini space capsule, Phantom F-4 fighter jet; MX-Peacekeeper ICBM, SDI-Star Wars and numerous others too highly classified to mention outside the Top Secret community I worked in.
I was also known for my hard-fought efforts in hiring highly technically rated women into the aerospace business … breaking that glass ceiling … reflective of my long-standing support for the Equal Rights Amendment.
Now, I watch as many Americans (including Montanans) are embarking on a path of self-destruction by considering electing the next Hitler/Mussolini/Stalin/Attila-the-Hun as our president of the United States. Donald Trump seems to be able to fool Republicans much like Hitler tricked Germans. Money-thirsty, uncaring Republicans seem to be able to fool the entire world into believing that rampant, out-of-control capitalism is a good thing for all of us, not just the greediest/white-collar-criminal/wealthiest among us. Not so. It will doom us all.
Here in Montana one would think Montanans are good stewards of these beautiful national forested lands that are home to bountiful wildlife, but they are not. Many of those with the loudest voices would kill off the wildlife with invasive, destructive, motorized vehicle access; abandon the Endangered Species Act; with state constitutional laws allow hunting them; and cruelly, sadistically trapping them to a horrible, heinous death by people with no conscience to speak of. (Vote for I-177 on your Nov. 8 ballot in order to stop them.)
I retired very early from my aerospace engineering career to move near Glacier National Park and the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex to try to save the wildlife and study global warming. The local newspapers have been very generous in providing me space on their opinion pages to write my controversial viewpoints. I had been a visiting tourist here since the 1970s and now call this my home.
I am very pro First and Second Amendments representing freedom of speech and the right to bear arms for self-defense. I have written previously on both topics. Nevertheless, I am ostracized and considered to be an over-educated, elitist, big-city “outsider” and not accepted by native-born, rural, redneck Montanans … even though I chose to be here while most of them are here “accidentally.”
I ask you all to save the country I spent a career saving. I further ask you all to save my adopted family, the wildlife. DO NOT vote for psychologically dysfunctional, anthropocentric, misogynistic Donald Trump. I met and spoke with Hillary Clinton and she is not as the conservative media portrays her, but rather a kind, decent, honorable, compassionate, brilliant human being who will actually care for all of us Americans and wildlife.
She is mostly disliked for wanting to do a traditional man’s job in a society whereby many prejudiced men cannot deal with it, nor can, surprisingly, many weak, submissive women either. It is a private, secret ballot. DO vote for Hillary.
Bill Baum is a resident of Martin City.
Raising the red pollution flag
Not feeling any urgency to save lives from the pollution from the Columbia Falls Aluminum Company, nothing is getting done with any haste to acquire Super Funds monies to clean up the mess. The new owners of the CFAC, Glencore plc, could care less….as it is saving them money. Their claim of contribution is to pass the obligation to the former owner Atlantic Richfield and BP plc. And, of course, there are the ridiculous findings from well tests, reported to US Senator Jon Tester, that no significant pollution was found. Not much social license here.
How to run against Sen. Tester
I know U.S. Sen. Jon Tester. I did my best to help elect him for both of his senatorial campaigns in the past. He is affable, poised, gregarious, articulate, a good public speaker, a good fund-raiser, and charismatic. It will be difficult for any new Democrat candidate to defeat him in the next Democratic primary campaign in 2018.
Wake up, you Trumpsters - you elected a madman
So what will it take for undereducated, uninformed Montanans to realize they voted in a madman as president of the United States? After all they don’t read, don’t watch real TV news, have no idea what Trump actually does as POTUS. They get all their false information from a phony TV news entertainment show called Fox News, and listen to the former drug addict Rush Limbaugh rant on the radio. They are incapable of discerning the truth from false news and lies.