Thursday, March 06, 2025

LETTER: Government is chipping away at military strength

Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 8 years, 4 months AGO
| October 9, 2016 11:00 AM

It seems like congressmen and senators go on holiday for months before any election, presidential or otherwise. These pompous pontificators get every benefit allowed for their job positions, while constantly competing for positions in front of the TV camera.

I have never seen this country in such abysmal shape. Congressman Zinke is assuring veterans, “I am committed to keeping the promises made to those who have defended our nation.” I want to see more done than just read rhetoric coming from our government representatives.

“The only thing needed for tyranny to prevail is for good men to do nothing.”

As a veteran, I am witnessing people being placed in key positions within the VA who simply do not care anything about the welfare of veterans, while the Obama administration keeps proclaiming the need for allowing more immigrants into this country.

Trump was right about one thing … the staff of generals in our military right now is in rubble. Our military is also in bad shape in some important areas and it is getting worse. Many countries want us dead! The military is the taproot to our national security. If our government keeps chipping away at our military strength, all of us in this country will pay a very high price! —Sinowa Cruz, Kalispell


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