Wearing orange while hunting turkey
Dennis L. Clay Herald Columnists | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 8 years, 5 months AGO
After the photo of Rudy Lopez and me appeared last week with our turkeys, I have been asked about hunting turks while wearing orange. We wear the orange because we also hunt quail during our turk hunts. Hunter orange is required when hunting quail.
The modern firearm general deer season is underway. Deer numbers seem to be down in some parts of eastern Washington, but an official accounting has not been received from Fish and Wildlife. The seasons will end either on Oct. 25, 28 or 31, depending upon the area hunted.
The late general season is scheduled to begin on Nov. 5.
The early fall general turkey season continues through Oct. 31, in Game Management Units 101 through 142. The bag limit is one turkey in some units and three in others. Consult the Big Game pamphlet for the units in play.
The late fall general turk season is scheduled to begin on Nov. 20 and continue through Dec. 15. The limit is one bird of either sex.
The 2016 fall turk seasons are found on Page 80 of the big game hunting regulation pamphlet.
The quail season is ongoing and will continue through Jan. 16. The limit is 10 per day and 30 in possession. The quail numbers seem to be down in the area around Davenport, where my group hunted last year.
Mourning dove
The mourning dove season will continue through Oct. 30. The limit is 15 a day, with a possession limit of 45.
2019 hunting prospects continued
This is the second of several columns containing 2019 hunting prospects.

Opening day prospects continued
This is the second in a series of columns about the fishing prospects in Columbia Basin lakes.

Commission meeting includes pronghorn report
The Fish and Wildlife Commission will meet tomorrow and Saturday in Olympia. The meeting will take place in Room 172 of the Natural Resources Building, 1111 Washington St. SE, Olympia. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. Friday and at 8 a.m. Saturday.