Elections are all about choices; choices are about values
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 8 years, 4 months AGO
Elections are about choices and choices are about values. The race between Heather Scott and Kate McAlister provides a very clear choice for the voters of District 1.
At present we have an incumbent who has one the most negative voting records in the House. Of the 378 bills passed by the Legislature in 2016 Scott voted “no” 114 times. That’s 30 percent. Of those “no” votes hers was the only one on seven occasions. Oddly those negative votes garnered her an A+ rating from the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF), an ultra-conservative anti-government organization. By contrast, the IFF gave Senator Shawn Keough an F for her voting record, a grade that she admittedly wears with great pride. To fully appreciate the IFF grading system you need to know that they awarded grades of C or higher to only 30 out of 105 members of the Idaho Legislature; 51 got Fs. The worst thing a legislator can do in the eyes of the IFF is to vote to spend taxpayer money whether it’s for education, roads, or medical care for the indigent.
We have a challenger in McAlister who comes from the local business community. She has been endorsed by the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry, the trade association that represents businesses large and small at the Legislature. They rarely endorse a challenger to an incumbent. Their reasoning for their support is that Scott “has one of the worst voting records on supporting commerce.” McAlister received another coveted business endorsement from the Idaho Associated General Contractors, a trade association representing the state’s commercial construction industry. If you value economic development and jobs, Scott is not going to help.
Education is an important value to most voters whether Democrat, independent, or Republican. McAlister has actively supported local education programs as a board and committee member for a number of years. In the 2016 legislative session, there were nine bills supporting public education. Heather Scott voted “no” on four bills amounting to $1.5 billion or 60 percent of all education spending. The Idaho Education Association has endorsed McAlister. If you value supporting good education, Scott is not going to help.
One issue that clearly distinguishes the two candidates is their position on federal lands in Idaho. Scott wants to ignore the Idaho Constitution which specifically disclaims all rights to those lands. (Interesting how some constitutional provisions are more important than others.) She wants the state of Idaho to take ownership. McAlister is concerned that the cost to Idaho taxpayers for fire suppression alone would be prohibitive, while agreeing that joint arrangements such as “The Good Neighbor Authority” between the feds and the state would go a long way toward improving land management, including increasing timber harvests. She is also concerned that the state would sell lands to private owners as we have seen happen in other states, making access to all impossible. McAlister has been endorsed by the Idaho Forest Group. If you value public lands, Scott is not going to help.
There have also been some disturbing activities in the Scott camp that should concern voters. She conjured up an incident in Priest River in 2015, claiming that Veterans Affairs was going to confiscate guns from a disabled vet. While Scott took credit for holding off the government, the truth is they never were trying to do any more than help the vet qualify for needed financial benefits. If you value veterans, Scott is not going to help.
Scott took time off during the last legislative session to visit Oregon’s Malheur Federal Wildlife Refuge, and support its takeover by armed scofflaws Ammon and Ryan Bundy. Both are currently on trial in Federal Court for their actions. The Bundys have been abandoned by all but a few ardent supporters. Heather Scott continues to support them. Then there was the Confederate flag incident during the 2015 Timber Days celebration in Priest River. Scott embraced a major symbol of racism and division in this country. That sort of judgment raises serious questions about her qualifications to represent North Idaho. If you value support of outlaws, racism, and division, Scott will help.
Scott has developed an appalling working relationship with her colleagues in the Legislature. She is disliked by most of the leadership for her disruptive tactics. Last year, she prevented a vote during the regular session on a bill designed to ease collection of child support from deadbeat parents residing out of state or out of the county. She publicly took pride and credit for delaying the legislation. The bill ultimately passed in a special session of the Legislature called by Gov. Butch Otter a month after the regular session. That special session cost taxpayers thousands of dollars. If you value disruption in the Legislature and wasteful spending, Scott will help.
Interestingly Scott has spent most of this campaign ducking forums and interviews with any but her most ardent supporters. On Oct. 26, she chose to miss a highly respected candidate interview program hosted by Suzy Prez and Chris Bessler on Bonner County public radio station KRFY. She also refused an invitation to appear on Blue Sky Broadcasting’s “Face to Face” program with Debby Trinen and Bob Wynhausen on KSPT. She did, however, appear on a similar show with Dan McDonald during the summer. McDonald is a staunch supporter of Scott.
Kate McAlister has built a career working with others in a collaborative fashion, getting things done. It seems clear based on temperament, balance, perspective, and devotion to her community that Kate McAlister is clearly the better candidate to represent Legislative District 1.
Vote for Kate on Nov. 8.