OPINION: Reasons why a Republican should vote for Trump after all
Connie Gress | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 8 years, 5 months AGO
I am writing in response to Bob Brown’s astonishing and troubling announcement that he will be voting for Hillary.
He would rather have someone as president who wants to increase the number of refugees into this country by 500 percent. These are Muslims who for the most part do not want to assimilate into our society and culture. They want us to conform to theirs — including sharia law.
As of July 25 of this year, some 6,726 refugees from Syria were admitted to the U.S. Of these, only 23 were Christians. We can look at Europe and see what our country will be if Hillary accomplishes what she has in mind for us. There will be more mass murders such as the ones in Boston and San Bernardino just to name two. If these people need help, we should offer them a hand in their own country, not ours. Those young men who are coming here should be in their own country fighting to take their country back. It should not be up to our sons and daughters to fight and die in their wars while they are in our country.
Yes, Trump has a big mouth and uses it, sometimes unwisely. But he is not the one who stood at the caskets of those of those killed in Benghazi and lied about what really happened. Our ambassador begged for help and was ignored by those in charge — President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Four Americans died including our ambassador. When the bodies came home she was the one she stood by the caskets with the loved ones and lied to their grieving faces and she knew she was lying. “At this point what difference does it make” was what she said later.
Donald Trump wants to close our borders to illegal aliens. We don’t know who is crossing our border at this time; we have no idea. There are criminals coming in by the hundreds. I have watched Donald Trump honor the parents of the people killed by the criminal aliens who have murdered our citizens. There have been killings by drunk drivers who are illegally in our country. One lady’s son was murdered by being burned alive. There are many others like Kate Steinle, the woman who was senselessly murdered.
Closing our borders would be a good start to help our citizens from being killed by illegal aliens. The ones who have committed crimes should be sent back immediately. Defunding the “sanctuary cities” is imperative. There should be no sanctuary cities. Those that want to come to the USA are more than welcome, but come legally and have something to offer America.
Hillary desecrated the women who dared come forward with the accusations of sexual abuse against her husband. She ruined the lives of some of them because they had the courage to come forward and tell what had happened to them. She pretends to be an advocate of women, but she is not. Her foundation has taken money from countries that won’t allow women to drive. Women in those countries are sometimes stoned to death for being raped. Their form of punishment is chopping off heads.
She owes these countries — they didn’t give The Clinton Family Foundation money out the goodness of their heart. What will they demand and what will she give them? It makes me shudder to think about it. It is called pay to play.
Hillary and Bill Clinton have made over $200,000,000 — that’s $200 million — since they left office, “flat broke” according to Hillary. When they left our White House, they stole many items such as furniture, artwork and the china, which belong to us, the taxpayers. They had to return the items or pay back the value of the items at $200,000. This is plain sleazy. She portrays herself as being a common person and being one of us. I beg to differ with this illusion of hers. She is most corrupt.
Mr. Brown, with all due respect, if you would like to have a person as our president who doesn’t know the truth if it kicked her in the head, then Hillary is your choice. She would rather lie than tell the truth. If you want her to pick our judges which will have an effect on our country for generations to come, then she is your person. You said the Senate will stop her. Is this your idea of a joke? How much has Congress stopped Obama? You will be the proud owner of a liberal Supreme Court that will pay no attention to what the founders wrote and intended in our Constitution. You will own a borderless nation. Without a border, we are not a sovereign nation.
I would much rather take my chances with Donald Trump, he is not perfect by any means, but he is 1,000 times better than Hillary Clinton.
Connie Gress is a resident of Whitefish.
OPINION: Reasons why a Republican should vote for Trump after all
I am writing in response to Bob Brown’s astonishing and troubling announcement that he will be voting for Hillary.