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OPINON: Valley debates recent endorsement

Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 8 years, 4 months AGO
| September 25, 2016 6:00 AM

Bob Brown’s ‘good sense’

My, my. Bob Brown’s recent submission to the Daily Inter Lake really pricked some nerves, set fire to a hissy-fit and proved my theory:  When it comes to low information voters, most are like the family beagle, obedient, loyal, and true to its master.  

Ignoring their own best interest, voters of the kind spring for their party, for the one that begins with R or D.  

But, Bob, you acted responsibly. You listened to the candidates, analyzed their rhetoric, took heed of your conscience, and then saddled up and rode into newsprint, spreading good sense.

Thank you, Bob. Your piece was informative, sincere and extremely well-written. It is typical of your long-standing way of choosing the better course, of being selfless. Your moderate, efficient and cooperative service to all sectors of Montana is honorable and deeply appreciated.  

Best guess is, had your eye been on the White House this round, you’d win by a knockout. —Rand Robbin, Bigfork

Flawed thinking

It seems ironic that in Bob Brown’s Sept. 9 letter in the first paragraph he states that he is changing parties this year, then almost immediately criticizes Donald Trump for doing the same thing.  

At that point I should have quit reading as it appeared there might be a flaw in the thought process.

Donald Trump most likely is ego-driven. But then, the majority of presidential candidates today probably are. To believe that Hillary Clinton is not would not only be illogical but laughable.

Donald Trump is brash and outspoken but from all we hear he does listen to the experts around him before he acts. At least we know what he is thinking. With Hillary Clinton, who knows? Oh wait, her recent comments about half of Trump’s supporters gives us an indication of what she thinks about a large portion of the population.

Mr. Trump may have issues regarding his business dealings, but he has been in business, has employed people and has made money. It would be nice to get a good explanation of how someone like Ms. Clinton who has lived on the public dole for the last 25 years can go from broke when they left the white House to be worth somewhere between $100 million and $250 million today.  

Maybe Mr. Brown can explain to us what would happen if three more Supreme Court justices retire as I have not been able to find an answer. To believe we can survive eight years without Ms. Clinton getting any justices appointed is pure fantasy.

How can anyone believe that the Republican Party is going to return to the good old days? The good old days are what caused the rift today, and it is time for the good old boys to understand and adapt or leave. With eight years of another Democratic president, the demographics of this country will have changed so much we may never have another Republican president, and will be lucky to even have control of either house.

Mr. Brown, it is most definitely your right to vote how you see fit, and the Democratic Party will welcome you with open arms. Remember though, you will have little ground to criticize or complain about President Hillary Clinton. After four years you may have reason to return to the Republican Party but it may not be as welcoming. —Jay Thompson, Bigfork

Rejecting the ‘establishment’

Surprised that a “longtime GOP politician” would like Hillary better than Trump? Bob Brown in his guest opinion says we can survive Hillary’s “deceptiveness.”

She lies to our faces about “a hateful video” and even lies under subpoena to Congress. Trump may be reckless, but he means what he says and he truly wants to make America better.

Trump has spent his life dealing with businessmen all over the world and understands how deals should be made to insure that America wins. Politicians only understand how to get re-elected.

Hillary will nominate a liberal to the Supreme Court, and the Senate will dither until there is some pressure to get a judge seated. Then the Democrats, the RINOs and establishment senators will force the Republicans to cave yet again and we will have another liberal judge. From then on, Hillary will be able to do whatever she wants because the court will rule in her favor every time.

Trump has said that he will surround himself with credible and experienced people, which is what all presidents should do. Hillary will follow Obama’s lead and only listen to people who agree with her and fire all others (think generals). Trump will get this country back to the rule of law. While Hillary will circumvent the rule of law (like sanctuary cities). Do you think sending and receiving America’s secrets on an unsecured device might be putting all of us in danger? Might she be in danger of being blackmailed?

I believe establishment Republicans like you, Mr. Brown, are the reason that the majority of Republicans selected Mr. Trump to represent them. You think you know better than we the people and have let us down so many times that we demand someone to represent us. Any longtime politician of either party is so used to running things for their own benefit that having an outsider in the White House scares them to death. It would be the end of their power.

Trump has laid out his plans for immigration, foreign policy, child care, and more. They are concise and well thought out. If Jeb or Marco or had put these ideas forth, the “establishment” would have supported them fully. It is only because Trump is his own person and not part of the Washington elite that his ideas are ridiculed and rejected.

So if you like the government accepting illegal immigrants and then spending billions of dollars on them while they take jobs from Americans ... if you like Obamacare, sanctuary cities, liberal judges, 500,000 more unvetted refugees, skyrocketing poverty, and pay-for-play ... then go ahead and vote for Hillary. —Jerie Clark, Somers

Thanks, Bob, for the honesty

I was born in Montana and have lived through 12 presidents and 15 election cycles. I refer to myself as an old farm boy (42 years on a ranch). My parents told me that you are born with your honor and you will die with your honor if you can keep it.

The recent criticism of Bob Brown in the Daily Inter Lake did not sit well with me. I think I know how and why Bob came to the conclusion he did for supporting Hillary Clinton.

I was taught that when you give your word, you keep your word. Can anyone think of one time Donald Trump can claim this by his own words and actions? He says he doesn’t and doesn’t need to.

I was taught to honor my elders and especially women. Can anyone think of a case where Donald Trump has done this? By his own words, women are objects.

I was taught to honor our military and our military heroes. Can anyone think of a case where Donald Trump has done this? His attacks on our generals (both present and past), John McCain, and his using lawyers to stay out of the military say otherwise.

People who grew up in Montana know what I am talking about; people from other places, I don’t know how they were brought up. I do not understand anyone who supports Donald Trump who claims to believe in these principles and way of life.

For years we had Sen. Mike Mansfield in Montana, who used to say about his political opponents, “I hear they are honorable men. If you like them, vote for them.” Can anyone think of a time when Donald Trump thought anyone was important except for Donald Trump and Putin?

As an independent who mostly votes Democrat, on the presidential level I’ve felt strongly about only four men and one woman: Barry Goldwater, John McCain, Bob Dole, Mo Udall and Barbara Jordan. They were people with honor.

I can tolerate Hillary Clinton because she has potential. What potential is there for Donald Trump? One-liner jokes do not make someone qualified to be president. Those claiming they support Donald Trump for having lots of testosterone must have loved Brian Schweitzer and campaigned for him. Me, I voted for Bob Brown.

I would say to Bob: Keep up the thinking. Someone has to have knowledge, honesty and honor in the Republican Party.—Gary Shaw, Columbia Falls

Bob Brown’s ‘hypocrisy’

In response to Bob Brown’s letter in support of Hillary Clinton, I would like to say thank you, Mr. Brown, for finally being honest by admitting that you really are not a Republican. That you align more with the liberal agenda of Mrs. Clinton is a bold statement.

Being willing to abandon what little bit of logical Republican principles you had removes any doubt where you stand. I have some great friends that are Democrats, and as a Republican we get into some good political conversations that are fun and engaging. I respect those friends for being forthright and saying what they believe.

It is really hard to show any respect for someone who masquerades as having one ideology but in his or her heart believes another. It must be a relief for Mr. Brown to get that off his chest. I hope a few others that call themselves Republican, yet share that same love of Clinton’s agenda, would have the courage to let the voters know where they stand. Be honest about the content of who you are and let the voters decide.

For those of us that voted for Mr. Brown and feel deceived, all we can do is learn from what his hypocrisy has taught us. Vote on the content of a candidate. Vote on principles and not personality. —Matt Regier, Kalispell, Republican candidate for HD4


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