Friday, February 28, 2025

Legals April 7, 2017

Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 7 years, 10 months AGO
| April 7, 2017 1:30 AM

ORDINANCE NO. 563 ZONE CHANGE, ZC360-16 AN ORDINANCE OF BONNER COUNTY, IDAHO, CITING ITS AUTHORITY, AND PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF BONNER COUNTY BY THE RECLASSIFICATION OF LANDS GENERALLY LOCATED IN SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 56 NORTH, RANGE 2 WEST, FROM RURAL 5 TO RURAL SERVICE CENTER, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Bonner County Planning and Zoning Commission did hold a public hearing on January 12th and it was continued to February 16, 2017 on file ZC360-16, a request for a change in zoning designation, according to the requirements for such hearings set forth at Section 67-6509, Idaho Code, and at Title 12, Bonner County Revised Code; and WHEREAS, the Bonner County Planning and Zoning Commission did find that the zone change request ZC360-16 is in accordance with the Bonner County Comprehensive Plan and did recommend to the Board of County Commissioners that the zone change request be approved; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners did hold a public hearing on March 29, 2017 on file ZC360-16, a request for a change in zoning designation, according to requirements of such hearings set forth at Section 67-6509, Idaho Code and at Title 12 of the Bonner County Revised Code; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners did find that the zone change request ZC360-16 is in accordance with the Bonner County Comprehensive Plan; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of County Commissioners that the following be and is hereby adopted as an ordinance of Bonner County, Idaho: SECTION 1: AUTHORITY This ordinance is adopted pursuant to authority granted to Bonner County at Chapter 65 of Title 67, Idaho Code. SECTION 2: AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP The Official Zoning Map of Bonner County, Idaho is hereby amended by the reclassification of the following described lands from Rural 5 to Rural Service Center: A parcel of land in Section 32. Township 56 North, range 2 West, Boise Meridian, Bonner County, Idaho described as follows: Lot 3 Powell-Dodd Acres. SECTION 3: EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication in one (1) issue of the Bonner County Daily Bee Newspaper, and upon the entry of the above described zoning reclassification upon the Official Zoning Map or a Supplemental Zoning Map in accordance with the provisions set forth at Chapter 4 of Title 12 of the Bonner County Revised Code. Regularly considered, passed and approved as an ordinance of Bonner County, Idaho, done this 29th day of March, 2017, upon the following roll call vote: Chairman Glen Bailey: AYE Commissioner Daniel McDonald: AYE Commissioner Jeff Connolly: AYE BONNER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS /s/ Glen Bailey, Chairman /s/ Daniel McDonald, Commissioner /s/ Jeff Connolly, Commissioner ATTEST: Michael Rosedale,, Clerk /s/ Darcey C. Smith Deputy Clerk 3/29/17 Date Legal Approval: /s/ William S. Wilson SNP LEGAL 4515 APR 7, 2017

2017 Magnesium Chloride Bonner County, Idaho NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed Bids will be received by Bonner County at the office of the Commissioners of said County on or before the 24th day of April, 2017, until the hour of 10:00 a.m. for the 2017 Magnesium Chloride bid. The project generally consists of supplying and delivering approximately 3,600 tons of liquid Magnesium Chloride to tank farms located in Bonner County or to trailers placed within Bonner County at various road locations. Bids will be opened in the Office of the Commissioners at the Bonner County Administration Building on April 24th, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. on said date. All interested individuals are welcome to attend. Bid forms, bidder's instructions, and specifications and contract forms may be examined at the following location: Bonner County Road & Bridge Office, 1500 Highway 2, Suite 101, Sandpoint, ID 83864, Phone 208-255-5681. SNP LEGAL 4514 APR 7, 14, 2017

NOTICE OF PENDING ISSUE OF TAX DEED The following delinquent taxpayers are hereby notified: That a delinquent entry was entered 1 January 2014 in the records of the County Treasurer as Tax Collector of Bonner County, State of Idaho. That said delinquent entry was made in respect of unpaid taxes assessed for the year 2013. You are further notified, that if said delinquent entry is not redeemed on or before May 8, 2017 by payment of said unpaid taxes, together with late charges, interest and all costs and expenses up to the date of said payment at the office of the County Treasurer at 1500 Hwy 2 Suite 304, said County Treasurer shall, thereupon, as required by law, make application to the Board of County Commissioners of Bonner County, State of Idaho, for hearing to be held on May 17, 2017 at 11:30 AM, or as soon thereafter as said application can be heard, at the Bonner County Administration Building, 1500 Hwy 2 Suite 308 Sandpoint, Idaho for a Tax Deed conveying the property to said Bonner County, State of Idaho, as stated in Idaho Code 63-1009. You are further notified, that the record owner or owners or any party of interest as defined by section 63-201 (17), Idaho Code, may appear in person or by counsel, and if appearing, shall have adequate opportunity to be heard on behalf of said record owner or owners or said party of interest. Should you have further inquiries or objections, please direct them to the County Treasurer. You are further notified, that all inquiries or objections concerning this notice and the information contained herein shall be directed to the Bonner County Treasurer, Bonner County Administration Building, 1500 Hwy 2 Suite 304, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864, phone number (208)265-1433 no later than ten (10) working days prior to the hearing date noted above. RP001120030050A 29-56N-5W Elders Lakeview Lots Blk 3 Lot 5 Murinko, Eric and Bonnie 19610 W Burnett Rd. Spokane, WA 99224 2013 Tax - $1181.34 Late Fees - $23.62 Interest - $484.88 Costs - $262.00 2013 Total - $1951.84 RP001240000080A 23-59N-1W Evergreen Highlands Lot 8 McKay, Carrol C 1749 Highland Rd. Sandpoint, ID 83864 2013 Tax - $339.35 Late Fees - $6.80 Interest - $139.30 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $907.45 RP00143000034AA 21-56N-1W Garfield Bay #1 Lots 34 & 35 O'Boyle, Cheryl L 173 E Stringham Rd. Rockford, WA 99030 2013 Tax - $3166.14 Late Fees - $63.34 Interest - $1299.58 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $4951.06 RP00158008006AA 25/26-55N-1W Granite Crk Prop Unit 1 Blk 8 Lots 6 & 7 Lemonidis, Paul 2136 N 149th Ln #A Shoreline, WA 98133 2013 Tax - $130.86 Late Fees - $2.62 Interest - $53.72 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $609.20 RP001770010070A 24/25-54N-6W Happy Valley Ranchos Unit 1 Blk 1 Lot 7 Thomas, John and Christy 1920 Blanchard Elk Rd. Blanchard, ID 83804 2013 Tax - $2319.16 Late Fees - $46.38 Interest - $951.92 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $3739.46 RP00240010011AA 3-53N-1W Lakeview Blk 10 Lots 11 & 12 Inkpen, Geoffrey P and Carol J 9203 N Wall Spokane, WA 99218 2013 Tax - $733.08 Late Fees - $14.66 Interest - $300.90 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $1470.64 RP00241004011AA 3-53N-1W Hillcrest Addn to Lakeview Blk 4 Lots 11 Thru 14 Inkpen, Geoffrey P and Carol J N 9203 Wall St. Spokane, WA 99218 2013 Tax - $68.82 Late Fees - $1.38 Interest - $28.24 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $520.44 RP00251000002AA 2-56N-1E Luttons Lake Lots Lot 2 Less Road Kiebert, Kermit & Kiebert, Kay & Nordgaarden, Ruthann PO Box 970 Ponderay, ID 83852 2013 Tax - $3979.99 Late Fees - $79.61 Interest - $1633.62 Costs - $262.00 2013 Total - $5955.22 RP003110000100A 25-59N-2W Pack River Timberlane Acres Tract 10 Wolf, Caroline J and Wyatt, Christa R 135 Piney Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 2013 Tax - $504.35 Late Fees - $10.09 Interest - $207.01 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $1143.45 RP003440000040A 18-54N-4W Pine Haven Estates Lot 4 Pennington, Steven S & Vicki L 276 Pinehaven Rd. Spirit Lake, ID 83869 2013 Tax - $757.94 Late Fees - $15.16 Interest - $311.10 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $1506.20 RP004030000040A 14-58N-2W Schweitzer Resort Tr Lot 4 White, Michael David PO Box 111772 Naples, FL 34108 2013 Tax - $172.74 Late Fees - $3.46 Interest - $70.90 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $669.10 RP006150000100A 1-55N-6W Shults Acres Lot 10 Bilbo, Darcy M 589 Womack Rd. Oldtown, ID 83822 2013 Tax - $560.34 Late Fees - $11.21 Interest - $230.00 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $1223.55 RP006950010220A 22/23-54N-5W Blanchard Valley Farms 1st Add Blk 1 Lot 22 Lewis, Carol Ann 1000 Ridley Village Rd. #3 Sandpoint, ID 83864 2013 Tax - $169.36 Late Fees - $3.39 Interest - $69.52 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $664.27 RP012550000020A 5-54N-2W Westphal Home Sites Lot 2 BWH Trust %Hausladen, Frank William Jr. Trustee 382 Little Blacktail Rd. Careywood, ID 83809 2013 Tax - $1845.82 Late Fees - $36.92 Interest - $757.64 Costs - $262.00 2013 Total - $2902.38 RP012550000030A 5-54N-2W Westphal Home Sites Lot 3 BWH Trust %Hausladen, Frank William Jr. Trustee 382 Little Blacktail Rd. Careywood, ID 83809 2013 Tax - $333.54 Late Fees - $6.68 Interest - $136.90 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $899.12 RP019030020070A 29/32-55N-3E Woodland Trails Blk 2 Lot 7 Cheslic, Mark T PO Box 304 Clark Fork, ID 83811 2013 Tax - $796.70 Late Fees - $15.94 Interest - $327.02 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $1561.66 RP031640000020A 12-57N-1E Glen Trestle Lot 2 Whittier, Grey 211 Star Ridge Rd. Hope, ID 83836 2013 Tax - $951.14 Late Fees - $19.02 Interest - $390.40 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $1782.56 RP070190001030A 20-58N-2W Lazier Center Condo Schweitzer Mtn Comm Exp Pud Replat Blk D Tax 1 of Lot 1 Unit 103 Century 21 Real Estate Lazier, Robert T and Diane J Tivoli Lodge 386 Hansen Ranch Rd. Vail, CO 81657 2013 Tax - $1774.78 Late Fees - $35.50 Interest - $728.48 Costs - $262.00 2013 Total - $2800.76 RP07019000201DA 20-58N-2W Lazier Center Condo Schweitzer Mtn Comm Exp Pud Replat Blk D Tax 1 of Lot 1 Unit 201D Lakeshore Mtn Real Estate Lazier, Wendy Sue 386 Hansen Ranch Rd. Vail, CO 81658 2013 Tax - $166.68 Late Fees - $3.34 Interest - $68.42 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $660.44 RP54N02W058201A 5-54N-2W S2SWNWSE Ferry, Gregory A 109 Raven Ln. Careywood, ID 83809 2013 Tax - $205.32 Late Fees - $4.11 Interest - $84.27 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $715.70 RP55N02W032410A 3-55N-2W E 676ft of N 321ft of Gov Lt 3 Callaway, Donald and Heather Ludolph, Michael L and Bobbie 440 R & R Lane Sagle, ID 83860 2013 Tax - $443.86 Late Fees - $8.88 Interest - $182.18 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $1056.92 RP55N02W032554A 3-55N-2W N2 Gov Lot 3 Less E 676ft of N 321ft Callaway, Donald and Heather Ludolph, Michael L and Bobbie 440 R & R Lane Sagle, ID 83860 2013 Tax - $1347.14 Late Fees - $26.94 Interest - $552.94 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $2349.02 RP55N02W032701A 3-55N-2W S2 Gov Lot 3, Gov Lot 4 Less N 467ft of W 934ft & Less E 346ft Of N 630ft & Less Tax 7, 11 & PT Tax 10 Callaway, Donald and Heather Ludolph, Michael L and Bobbie 440 R & R Lane Sagle, ID 83860 2013 Tax - $770.90 Late Fees - $15.42 Interest - $316.42 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $1524.74 RP55N02W054840A 5-55N-2W Tax 59 O'Brien, John J II PO Box 444 Cocolalla, ID 83813 2013 Tax - $708.42 Late Fees - $14.16 Interest - $290.78 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $1435.36 RP55N03W128100A 12-55N-3W Tax 4 Thurlow, Kevin Estate 601 Geenen Rd. Cocolalla, ID 83813 2013 Tax - $21.96 Late Fees - $.45 Interest - $9.02 Costs - $395.61 2013 Total - $427.04 RP55N04W116150A 11-55N-4W S2N2SWSW, S2SWSW Coleman, Christopher E 1518 Horn Mtn Rd. Priest River, ID 83856 2013 Tax - $1137.70 Late Fees - $22.76 Interest - $466.98 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $2049.44 RP55N04W267650A 26-55N-4W S 1220ft of N2SE - E of DD 7 Less N 507ft; SESE Less S 990ft Duffy, Kimberly K PO Box 1491 Sandpoint, ID 83864 2013 Tax - $872.60 Late Fees - $17.46 Interest - $358.16 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $1670.22 RP56N02E082801A 8-56N-2E Tax 6 & 7 Thrailkill, Ina M Baccus, Ronald L C/o Paul Thrailkill PO Box 5594 Stockton, CA 95205 2013 Tax - $652.00 Late Fees - $13.04 Interest - $267.62 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $1354.66 RP56N02E257350A 25-56N-2E NWNESE Cheslic, Nancy C Harris 428 Upper Cascade Creek Rd. Clark Fork, ID 83811 2013 Tax - $823.18 Late Fees - $16.46 Interest - $337.88 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $1599.52 RP56N02W271350A 27-56N-2W N2NWSWNE Johnson, Ellen A South, Ellen A 385 Liberty Lane Sagle, ID 83860 2013 Tax - $924.87 Late Fees - $18.50 Interest - $379.63 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $1745.00 RP56N03W313375A 31-56N-3W Tax 59 Johnston, Larry PO Box 356 Laclede, ID 83841 2013 Tax - $619.76 Late Fees - $12.40 Interest - $254.38 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $1308.54 RP56N05W326600A 32-56N-5W N2N2SESW Wright, Donavon E PO Box 817 Newport, WA 99156 2013 Tax - $252.23 Late Fees - $5.04 Interest - $103.53 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $782.80 RP56N06W244686A 24-56N-6W Tax 30 & 36 Marks, John E Jr. and Cassiopeia 345 Le Clerc Rd. Oldtown, ID 83822 2013 Tax - $1450.06 Late Fees - $29.00 Interest - $595.20 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $2496.26 RP57N03W109100A 10-57N-3W S2NESESE Hagen Family Trust %Hagen, Raymond C & Phyllis 15523 County Road 1134 Tyler, TX 75709-3301 2013 Tax - $384.46 Late Fees - $7.68 Interest - $157.80 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $971.94 RP58N01E014800A 1-58N-1E E2NWSW S & E of Rapid Lightning Ck Rd and N of Trapper Ck Rd; E2SW N of Trapper Ck Rd. Wright, Jon 115 Trapper Creek Rd. Sandpoint, ID 83864 2013 Tax - $976.50 Late Fees - $19.54 Interest - $400.82 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $1818.86 RP58N01W025401A 2-58N-1W Tax 1 S & E of Grouse Creek Landry, Cheryl M 75 Grouse Creek Cutoff Sandpoint, ID 83864 2013 Tax - $675.86 Late Fees - $13.52 Interest - $277.41 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $1388.79 RP58N04W212850A 21-58N-4W S2N2NW Shipton Trust C/o Donald Shipton 1610 Oak St. Sandpoint, ID 83864 2013 Tax - $1102.46 Late Fees - $22.04 Interest - $452.52 Costs - $262.00 2013 Total - $1839.02 RP59N01W278000A 27-59N-1W Birch Grove Estates Unit 1 Lot 35 Unrecorded Plat Gervasi, Leona C Estate C/o Mike Gervasi 135 Piney Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 2013 Tax - $649.38 Late Fees - $12.98 Interest - $266.54 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $1350.90 RP60N04W315940A 31-60N-4W Tax 23 Dayot, Kevin 26875 Hwy 57 Priest River, ID 83856 2013 Tax - $527.27 Late Fees - $10.55 Interest - $216.42 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $1176.24 RP60N05W256630A 25-60N-5W Tax 37 Broun, Le Roy and Clemence C/o Gregorty S Morrison 921 W Broadway Ste 302 Spokane, WA 99201 2013 Tax - $139.66 Late Fees - $2.80 Interest - $57.32 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $621.78 RPP0350022011AA 11-57N-2W Ponderay Blk 22 Lot 11 & 12 Towry, Spring PO Box 371 Ponderay, ID 83852 2013 Tax - $839.56 Late Fees - $16.81 Interest - $344.61 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $1622.98 RPP0441008000CA 2-57N-2W Starrs Acreage Blk 8 S 194ft of N 413ft Balison, Gene D and Melissa J 1250 Gooby Rd. Sandpoint, ID 83864 2013 Tax - $2567.14 Late Fees - $51.35 Interest - $1053.71 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $4094.20 RPR0364009007AA 24-56N-5W Priest River Blk 9 Lots 7 & 8 Fink, Vincent K C/o Kyle Fink 196 Larch St. Priest River, ID 83856 2013 Tax - $1131.26 Late Fees - $22.62 Interest - $464.34 Costs - $222.00 2013 Total - $1840.22 RPS0492005003AA 22-57N-2W Weils 2nd Add Blk 5 Lot 3 & 4 Barber, Cindy Vitalie, Joshua C 1466 Paiute Ave Redlands, CA 92374 2013 Tax - $1998.96 Late Fees - $39.98 Interest - $820.50 Costs - $422.00 2013 Total - $3281.44 RPS0500015014AA 22-57N-2W West End Addn C Blk 15, N 62ft of Lots 14,15 & 16 Solomon, Mildred %Fink, Vincent K Dillon, Gary C/o Kyle Fink 196 Larch St. Priest River, ID 83856 2013 Tax - $1144.04 Late Fees - $22.88 Interest - $469.58 Costs - $222.00 2013 Total - $1858.50 SNP LEGAL 4512 APR 7, 14, 21, 28, 2017

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of ROJEAN GRAVELLE, Deceased. Probate No. CV 2017-0462 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or her estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated, or filed with the Clerk of the Court. /S/ LONA LINDSTROM, Personal Representative c/o Featherston Law Firm, Chtd. 113 South Second Ave. Sandpoint, ID 83864 LEGAL 4516 APR 7, 14, 21, 2017

NOTICE OF APPLICATION Pursuant to Section 58-104(g) and 58-1301, et seq., Idaho Code (The Lake Protection Act) and rules of the State Board of Land Commissioners, notice is hereby given that Jackie Thomas/Rask & Michael Rask has made application to install 75 feet of riprap for erosion control. Location: Seneacquoteen Road, Pend Oreille River, Priest River, Idaho, in Section 36 Township 56 North, Range 4 West; B.M., in Bonner County. Written objections to or requests for hearing in this matter must be on file with the Idaho Department of Lands, 2550 Highway 2 West, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 within thirty (30) days after the first appearance of this notice. Specific information regarding this application may be obtained from Amidy Fuson, Resource Specialist on behalf of Navigable Waters Program - at the above address or by calling (208) 263-5104. /S/ TOM FLEER, Area Manager Idaho Department of Lands SNP LEGAL 4513 APR 7, 14, 2017

NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE Case No. CV2017-0339 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTIRCT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BONNER IN RE: CLARENCE JOHNS, GUADALUPE JOHNS, MARLENA JOHNS A Petition to change the names of (1) Clarence Johns, (2) Guadalupe Johns, and the name of (3) Marlena Johns, all minors, now residing in the City of Laclede, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Bonner County, Idaho. The names will change to (1) Klarence Johns, (2) Guadelupe Johns, and (3) Sharlenna Johns. The reason for this change in name is: to emphasize their uniqueness and individuality. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 11:00 o'clock AM on April 21, 2017 at the Bonner County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name changes. Date: March 10, 2017 CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT /S/ Brandy Steiger Deputy Clerk SNP LEGAL 4491 MAR 24, 31, 2017 APR 7, 14, 2017

NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE Case No. CV2017-0354 IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BONNER IN RE: Deborah Lynne Loosemore A petition to change the name of Deborah Lynne Loosemore, now residing in the City of Laclede, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Bonner County Idaho. The name will change to: Deborah Lynn Carey. The reason for the change in name is: Would like my maiden name back. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 11:00 o'clock AM on 4/26/2017 at the Bonner County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show a good reason against the name change. Date: March 13th, 2017 CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: LAURIE MATTILA SNP LEGAL 4478 MAR 17, 24, 31, 2017 APR 7, 2017

SUMMONS By Publication TO: KENNETH B. NORMAN You have been sued by MARCIE NORMAN, the plaintiff, in the District Court in and for Bonner County, Idaho, Case No. CV2016-1794 The nature of the claim against you is for divorce. Any time after 20 days following the last publication of this Summons, the court may enter a judgement against you without further notice, unless prior to that time you have filed a written response in the proper form, including the case number, and paid any required filing fee to the Clerk of the Court at 215 S First Ave., Sandpoint, ID 83864 and served a copy of your response on the plaintiff, whose mailing address and telephone number are 607 Lake St. Sandpoint, ID 83864. A copy of the Summons and Complaint can be obtained by contacting either the Clerk of the Court or the plaintiff. If you wish legal assistance, you should immediately retain an attorney to advise you in this matter. DATED 3-29-2017 Bonner County District Court By: /s/ Brandy L. Steiger Deputy Clerk SNP LEGAL 4504 APR 7, 14, 21, 28, 2017

SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Case No. CV 2017-288 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BONNER WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. JOHN P. GOLLIN (Deceased) and the Unknown Heirs, Assigns and Devisees of JOHN P. GOLLIN; SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT; NORTHWEST TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC.; and Does 1-10 as individuals with an interest in the real property legally described as: A parcel of land in Block 1, Ohadi Acres, located in Section 21, Township 57 North, Range 2 West, Bonner County, Idaho, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Section 21; Thence North 89°36'35" West, 366 feet along the North boundary of said Section 21; Thence South 492 feet; Thence South 74°48' East, 25.91 feet; Thence North 157.62 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Thence South 89°36'35" East, 152 feet; Thence North 70 feet; Thence North 89°36'35" West, 152 feet; Thence South 70 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Commonly known as: 706 N. Monroe Avenue, Sandpoint, ID 83864. Defendants. NOTICE: YOU HAVE BEEN SUED BY THE ABOVE-NAMED PLAINTIFF. THE COURT MAY ENTER JUDGMENT AGAINST YOU WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE UNLESS YOU RESPOND WITHIN 20 DAYS. READ THE FOLLOWING BELOW. TO: All Defendants You are hereby notified that in order to defend this lawsuit, an appropriate written response must be filed with the above-designated court within 20 days after service of this Summons on you. If you fail to so respond, the court may enter judgment against you as demanded by the Plaintiff in the Complaint. The nature of the claim against you is for, among other things, judicial foreclosure of the real property located at 706 N. Monroe Avenue, Sandpoint, ID 83864. A copy of the Summons and Complaint can be obtained by contacting either the Clerk of the Court at the Bonner County Courthouse, 215 South First Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho 83864, telephone (208) 265-1432; or the attorney for Plaintiff, Derrick J. O'Neill, RCO Legal, P.C., 300 Main Street, Suite 150, Boise, Idaho 83702, telephone (208) 489-3035. If you wish to seek the advice of or representation by an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your written response, if any, may be filed in time and other legal rights protected. An appropriate written response requires compliance with Rule 10(a)(1) and other Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure and shall also include: 1. The title and number of this case. 2. If your response is an Answer to the Complaint, it must contain admissions or denials of the separate allegations of the Complaint and other defenses you may claim. 3. Your signature, mailing address and telephone number, or the signature, mailing address and telephone number of your attorney. 4. Proof of mailing or delivery of a copy of your response to Plaintiff's attorney, as designated above. To determine whether you must pay a filing fee with your response, contact the Clerk of the above-named Court. DATED This 17TH day of March, 2017. MICHEAL W. ROSEDALE CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: /S/ Deputy Clerk SNP LEGAL 4501 MAR 31, 2017 APR 7, 14, 21, 2017


Legals April 21, 2017
Bonner County Daily Bee | Updated 7 years, 10 months ago
Legals April 14, 2017
Bonner County Daily Bee | Updated 7 years, 10 months ago
Legals April 28, 2017
Bonner County Daily Bee | Updated 7 years, 10 months ago