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Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 7 years, 9 months AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, ID 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
April 18, 1967 — TRACK SITE BLADED
Another major step has been taken toward the culmination of Sandpoint High School’s new track. Last weekend most of the 440 yard oval was graded level. Most of the work was accomplished with earth-moving equipment operated by Bob Johnson and George Elliot under the supervision of engineer Bill Wyatt. Also helping were coaches Francis McDonnell and Pat Kaufman and Elliot’s sons, Larry and Gary, and Wyatt’s son, Scott.
Mrs. Anthony Verwolf and daughters, Vicki and Carrie, of Wrencoe, visited Mrs. Effie Becker Saturday. On Sunday she was visited by Mrs. Byron Chronic of Algoma, Miss Margaret McDonnell of Sandpoint and Mrs. Bill Becker.
Wallace will be the site of the first high school golf match this season.
SHS Principal Richard Sodorff who handles the Bulldog golfers, has eight boys out for the team led by veteran Jim Nieman. Others are Bob Applegate, Craig Harris, Dick Wild, Ed Erickson, Gary Peterson, Bruce Carlson and Bruce Johnson.
100 Years Ago
Northern Idaho News
April 18, 1917 — NOTICE VOTERS
For the first time, every voter in Sandpoint has a right to vote for two aldermen in each of the four city wards. Heretofore voters in the several wards could only vote for aldermen in their own wards.
After being under orders two weeks, Company A Idaho National Guards entrained yesterday on N.P. train 41 for the mobilization camp at Boise with 114 men not including officers. The same cars were used that Company H came in on from Boise.
All business houses closed for two hours to give everyone a chance to go to the depot and say goodbye to the members of Company A. The largest crowd ever seen in this city gathered at the depot to bid the boys farewell. Sandpoint is proud of Company A and Company A is justly proud of Sandpoint and her loyal patriotic citizens.
Company H Idaho National Guard arrived Monday at noon by N.P. special train from Boise. This company will be divided into 12 sections and be detailed to guard duty at bridges, trestles and tunnels along railroad lines from Montana to the Washington line. Their headquarters will be in Sandpoint at the armory recently vacated by company A. They are a very gentlemanly lot and Sandpoint welcomes them. The company has exceptional number of tall men; it is said there are 33 over 6 feet in height.
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