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Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 7 years, 9 months AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, ID 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
April 23, 1967 — BOYS STATERS PICKED
Three young men from Sandpoint will attend the American Legion Gem Boys State to be held June 4-11 at Boise College in Boise. Selected to represent Sandpoint are Bruce Greene, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Green, Sagle, Brian McComas, son of Mrs. Lavonne McComas, Rt. 2, Sandpoint and David Crouse, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Crouse, 428 S. Huron Ave.
Others from the county slated to attend are Dick Storro, Priest River, and Raynard Anderson, Clark Fork.
Dr. William Morton, Jr., has the honor to be the only one thus far to file for post of school trustee from newly created Zone Four, according to Charles Selle, district secretary.
Trustee election is scheduled for May 23.
R. Lloyd Wallace, Priest River, forfeited $15 in police court April 19 for a traffic violation. The charge was failure to drive in a reasonable and prudent manner, which is part of the basic speed law. Burning rubber was listed on the citation.
Robert Farmin notified the sheriff on April 20 that his cabin at Shaffers Point on Bottle Bay had been broken into but that nothing appears to have been taken.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
April 23, 1917 — TO GRAVEL BOYER
A movement is on foot to raise funds for graveling Boyer ave. from its southern terminus to Pine street, costing around $300 and forming the connecting link between the Pine street pavement and the already graveled Dover road, completing an excellent road from that village to this city.
The huge searchlights which illuminated the Spokane falls are to be put to government use and will turn night into day at the N.P. bridge over the Pend d’Oreille river at Sandpoint. Northern Pacific railway has arranged with the interstate fair management to rent the two largest lamps, which throw a strong beam of light for 3/4 of a mile. They will be installed in the next few days. At night the piers of the bridge will be illuminated so any approaching boat may be plainly seen.
Steps are being taken by the NP under government direction to safeguard the bridge at Pasco and other important spans in the region.
The Clarksfork river log drive has reached Clarksfork village and is now passing through the sorting works controlled and operated by the Hope Lumber co. There are about 30 million feet in the drive belonging to the Dover Lumber co. and 12 to 15 million for the Hope Lumber co. besides some small quantities for other parties.
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