Collision kills 15-year-old
Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 8 years AGO
Staff Writer
POST FALLS — When it came to music, Mikelli Villaseñor was always willing to try something new.
Her Post Falls High classmate, Jacob Brockus, made his own mark on the school's music program by building tuba cases for his Eagle Scout project.
Villaseñor, 15, died Tuesday morning from injuries sustained in a train/car collision on Spokane Street just south of Prairie Avenue in Post Falls. Brockus, 17, who was driving, was in fair condition at Kootenai Health on Tuesday afternoon.
"Mikelli was always eager to learn," said Matt Barkley, the students' music teacher last year. "She always wanted to try something new and was a part of my guitar class last year. She loved life, and kids loved being around her. She brought out the best of people."
Villaseñor also played trumpet, while Brockus plays trombone. Both students have been involved in the jazz and pep bands.
"Jacob has taken a lot of ownership in the band program," Barkley said. "The tuba cases he made turned out fabulous.
"Both of them have added a lot of life to the band and music department."
The students were headed to the North Idaho College Jazz Festival and on their way to picking up another student when the crash occurred, according to school officials.
According to Idaho State Police, the 1998 Chevy Malibu was northbound on Spokane Street at 6:01 a.m. and stopped for the stop sign at the Union Pacific railroad crossing near Prairie Falls Golf Course. After stopping, Brockus attempted to cross the tracks and the car was struck by the westbound oil train.
Villaseñor died at the scene. Both occupants were wearing seat belts. Post Falls Police Chief Scot Haug said Villaseñor was riding in a back seat, but it is unclear why. An investigation continues.
The intersection does not have traffic lights or automated arms. The intersection was blocked for five hours. The car came to rest on the north side of the tracks.
A Canadian Pacific locomotive collided with the car, said Union Pacific spokesman Justin Jacobs.
"Our hearts go out to the family and friends of the deceased," Jacobs said in a written statement. "Our locomotive engineer and conductor were immediately put in touch with peer counselors who are also locomotive engineers and conductors as part of our Peer Support program.
"The safety message here is that motorists need to be very aware of the hazards associated with trains and should never be on the train tracks or attempt to cross without following the proper signs."
Jacobs said he didn't have other information about the crash, including the conductor's testimony or how many crashes there have been at the intersection. A message left with Jacobs inquiring how fast the train was traveling was not returned before deadline.
Haug said a witness behind the Malibu noticed it stopped at the sign before proceeding and being struck.
"We're assuming that he didn't see the train and there's no indication that the car stalled on the tracks," Haug said.
Idaho State Police Cpl. Andy Hodl, who investigated the crash, said it was still dark when the collision occurred. He said it doesn't appear road conditions were a factor.
"The road had been de-iced and it was just wet," he said.
Jessica Wolf, who was in band with both students last year, said they’ve been well-liked in school.
"Mikelli had a fun personality and always brought life to everything; she had the coolest shoes," Wolf said. "Everybody knew Mikelli. Jacob is quiet, but he has a lot of friends."
Boy Scout Troop 213 in Post Falls, which Brockus is a member of, informed the group online about the crash.
"His injuries are not life-threatening, but he is beat up pretty bad," the message states. "No visitors at this point, but we can all keep him and his family in our prayers."
Terra Karl, his mother, posted these messages: "Jacob is a fighter and is in the ICU for a skull fracture and back fracture. He's pretty beat up … but he should persevere. Pray, pray, pray."
Jerry Keane, the Post Falls school superintendent, said the high school's crisis team was activated on Tuesday to assist students with counseling. He said the district offers its condolences to the families involved.
"The impact has a ripple effect on everything we do," Keane said. "Grieving is personal, and we're trying to provide as much support as needed."
Two teenage girls were also involved in an auto collision with a train at the same intersection about two years ago. Both walked away with minor injuries after sliding into the train due to icy conditions.
Haug said there was also a pedestrian fatality at the crossing several years ago.