Legals February 22, 2017
Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 7 years, 11 months AGO
GRANT COUNTY WATER CONSERVANCY BOARD NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF GROUNDWATER CERTIFICATE 399A(A) TAKE NOTICE: Central Terminals, LLC has made an APPLICATION FOR CHANGE/TRANSFER of Water Right to add two (2) additional points of withdrawal (POW), for Groundwater Certificate 399(A)(A) to the Grant County Water Conservancy Board (Board). The Board has designated such application for active Board review by assigning its number of GRAN-16-10. The Department of Ecology has assigned tracking number CG3-*0114C(A)@2 to this application. That Ground Water Certificate 399(A)(A) with a priority date of April 18, 1949 has current authorization for 800.0 gallons per minute, 296.1 acre-feet per year, for Continuous Industrial use. The current authorized point of withdrawal (POW) being one well within the NW1/4SE1/4 Section 20, T19N.,R29E.,W.M., They propose to add two (2) additional POW's for Continuous Industrial purposes. The proposed additional POW's will be one and existing well located within the NW1/4SW1/4 of Section 20, T19N., R29E., W.M., and one a new well located within the NE1/4NE/4 of Section 29, T19N, R29E.,W.M. Any interested party may submit comments, objections, and other information to the Board regarding this application. The comments and information may be submitted in writing or verbally at any public meeting of the Board held to discuss or decide on the application. Additionally, the Board will consider written comments or information provided within thirty (30) days from the last date of publication of this notice, said written comments or information to be provided to its office located at 2145 Basin St SW, Ephrata, WA 98823. Any protests or objections to the approval of this application may be filed with the Department of Ecology and must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections. Protests must be accompanied by a fifty ($50.00) recording fee and filed with the Cashiering Section, State of Washington, Department of Ecology, P.O. Box 47611, Olympia, Washington 98504-7611 within thirty (30) days from February 22, 2017. #02050/47490 Pub: February 15 & 22, 2017