Monday, March 24, 2025

2017 a 'big deal' for community of George

Ted Escobar | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 8 years, 2 months AGO
by Ted Escobar
| January 1, 2017 12:00 AM


Courtesy Photo - One of the early biggest cherry pies in the world being put together in 1960.

GEORGE — The community of George, which was named to honor the first president of the United State of America, will celebrate 60 years of existence this year. It was founded in 1957 by Charlie Brown.

It will also recognize the 60th consecutive year of the George, Washington Fourth of July Celebration, which may be a record.

Now before you start wondering if this is fake news or something out of The Onion, it is not. There was a real Charlie Brown. He dreamed of having a city right in the middle of the state to honor George Washington.

Charlie made it happen, too. But he never realized the jewel of the city he envisioned. George is still a small town where the mayor’s wife is known perhaps better than the mayor.

Debby Kooy is the unofficial mayor. She is the consummate shaker and mover. Moving here from Denver, Colo. after marriage, she adopted the town as her own and started cheerleading. Her husband became mayor.

Kooy helped organize the George, Washington Georgettes, a group of women that organizes the town’s community events. There are several of those to which the whole world is invited.

The same year, 1957, that Charlie Brown (Charles E. Brown) built the foundation of George, he also started a Fourth of July celebration that takes a back seat to none. George Washington himself shows up. Kooy and the Georgettes want to really do the Fourth of July up this year.

“We have been looking forward to 2017 because, well, it’s kind of a big deal for us,” Kooy said.

“Charlie especially wanted the Fourth of July in George to be really spectacular, with a giant cherry pie and kids’ games, entertainment and fireworks,” she added.

The George, Washington cherry pie is regularly referred to as the biggest in the world even if some years The Guinness Book of World Records recognizes some renegade group elsewhere trying to make a name for itself.

The Georgettes want to lock up the title for all time this year, and they are asking the Columbia Basin community to help. They need funding to grow the celebration, including a new pie plate.

“Sixty uninterrupted years of this fabulous event,” Kooy said. “We believe this makes our Fourth of July the longest-running municipal event in the state of Washington, and we believe that, in itself, is cause for celebration”

The George Community Hall oversees and manages and fund-raises for all of the events that happen in George. Over the years, newer events have been added, such as the Annual Children’s Easter Egg Hunt & Bake Sale, the CoffeeHouse Concert Series and the Annual George, Washington Bluegrass Festival in September.

The Presidents Day Festival in February is one of the original community celebrations.

The George Community Hall board of directors wants to increase the size of the Fireworks show by at least $1,000. It would like to replace the existing pie pan with a stainless steel version with handles. That cost has been quoted at more than $2,000.

“We already have a contract with an Illusionist and plan to enhance other aspects of the event,” Kooy said. “All of this is added to our base price tag of $10,000 annually to run this event.”

The Fourth of July celebration is privately funded by members of the community, such as you.

If you would like to help the Georgettes with the Fourth of July and all of the activities they organize and operate, you may send your tax-deductible contribution to George Community Hall P.O. Box 5064, George, WA 98824 before December 31.

You will receive a receipt.


Georgettes the key to George's old fashioned Fourth of July
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 10 years, 8 months ago
Georgettes key to George's old fashioned Independence Day
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 10 years, 8 months ago
George cherry pie keeps people coming back
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 13 years, 8 months ago


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