Legals January 4, 2017
Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 8 years, 2 months AGO
NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION ADAMS COUNTY, WASHINGTON February 14, 2017 Legal Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on Tuesday, February 14, 2017, in Adams County, Washington, in the various precincts, there will be held a Special Election for the purpose of voting on local district propositions. The following measures will be presented to the voters: Proposition 1 Submitted by Sprague School District No. 8 Resolution No. 6-2016 Replacement Maintenance and Operation Levy $295,000 for maintenance and operation to be collected in 2018 $295,000 for maintenance and operation to be collected in 2019 Proposition 1 Submitted by Odessa School District 105-157-166J Resolution No. 1-2016-17 Replacement Maintenance and Operation Levy $698,000 for maintenance and operation to be collected in 2018 Proposition 2 Submitted by Odessa School District 105-157-166J Resolution No. 2-2016-17 Replacement Capital Levy for School Improvements $110,000 for facility improvements to be collected in 2018 Proposition 1 Submitted by Othello School District No. 147-163-55 Resolution No. 12-12-16 Replacement Maintenance and Operation Levy $3,050,000 for maintenance and operation to be collected in 2018 $3,200,000 for maintenance and operation to be collected in 2019 $3,350,000 for maintenance and operation to be collected in 2020 Proposition 1 Submitted by Ritzville School District No. 160-67 Resolution No. 2016-008 Bonds to Modernize, Improve and Construct School Facilities This proposition would authorize the District to: modernize Lind-Ritzville High School; upgrade Ritzville Grade School; make health, safety, security, energy efficiency and infrastructure improvements to other school facilities; make District-wide instructional technology upgrades; issue no more than $11,000,000 of general obligation bonds maturing within 15 years; and levy annual excess property taxes to repay the bonds, all as provided in Resolution No. 2016-008. Proposition 1 Submitted by Adams County Park and Recreation District #4 Resolution No. 2016-02 Capital Improvement Levy $80,000 for Resurfacing the Pool to be collected in 2018 Voter Registration Deadlines: The last date to register online, through the mail, transfer or update an existing registration is Monday, January 16th. First time voters can register in person until 4:30 pm Monday, February 6th at the Adams County Auditor's Office at 210 W. Broadway Ave., Ritzville. Registering to vote: By mail - form may be obtained by calling the Adams County Auditor's Office at 509-659-3249 or online at In person - Adams County Auditor's Office 210 W Broadway Ave Ste 200 Ritzville, WA 99169 - Office hours Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Online - Ballots will be mailed to all active registered voters in participating precincts January 25-27, 2017. Voters may obtain a replacement ballot by calling the Adams County Auditor's Office at 509-659-3249 or visiting A drop box will be available from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM daily at the following location: Adams County Auditor's Office 210 W Broadway Ave Ste. 200 Ritzville, WA 99169 24 hour, secure ballot drop box: Ritzville City Hall (Located next to city bill drop box) 216 E Main St Ritzville, WA 99169 Adams County Public Services Building 425 E. Main St Othello, WA 99344 The Adams County Courthouse, 210 W. Broadway Ave Ritzville, WA 99169 is also a designated accessibility site for voters needing assistance with registration or casting a ballot. This site is open during normal business hours Monday through Friday, between 8:30 AM and 4:30 pm until Election Day. On Election Day, February 14, 2017, this site is open from 8:30 AM until 8:00 PM. The Adams County Canvassing Board shall meet at the following times in the Adams County Auditor's Office: January 27, 2017 - 10:00 a.m. logic and accuracy test February 21, 2017 - 11:00 a.m. February 24, 2017 - 10:00 a.m. - the election will be certified at the conclusion of this meeting. DATED THIS 29th DAY OF December, 2016 _______________________________________ Heidi Hunt, Adams County Auditor and Ex-Officio Supervisor of Elections in and for Adams County, Washington. #01026/35890 Pub: January 4, 2017
PUBLIC NOTICE The Solid Waste Advisory Committee Meeting will be Wednesday, January 18, 2017, 12 PM in the Public Works conference room located at 210 W. Alder Ritzville, WA 99169. Please Call 509-659-3276 if you are unable to attend. #01016/34040 Pub: January 4 & 11, 2017
Othello School District M&O, Capital Levy and Bonds Public Meeting Notices Othello School District will be holding several communication meetings in January 2017. Meeting presentations include educational information pertaining to M&O Levy, Capital Levy, and Bond. Meetings are open to our community and will be held between January 9, 2017-January 26, 2017 at different locations and hours. The community meetings will proceed regardless of whether a quorum of school board members are in attendance. The tentative schedule for communication meetings is: January 9, 2017 7:45 a.m. (McFarland Middle School Staff Meeting) January 10, 2017 7:45 a.m. (Scootney Springs Elementary Staff Meeting) January 11, 2017 9:00 a.m. (Othello School District Office) January 12, 2017 7:30 a.m. (Lutacaga Elementary Staff Meeting) January 13, 2017 7:00 a.m. (ORTC/Maintenance/& Technology Meeting) January 18, 2017 12:00 p.m. (Chamber Meeting) January 19, 2017 12:00 p.m. (Rotary Club Meeting) @ Time Out January 19, 2017 2:55 p.m. (Hiawatha Elementary Staff Meeting) January 23, 2017 7:50 a.m. (Desert Oasis High School) January 24, 2017 7:45 a.m. (Wahitis Elementary Staff Meeting) January 24, 2017 6:30 p.m. (Lions Club Meeting) @ Othello Sr. Center January 26, 2017 7:55 a.m. (Othello High School Staff Meeting) January 26, 2017 6:00 p.m. (PAC Meeting) @ OHS Corridor If you have any questions please feel free to contact the District Office at (509) 488-2659. Ms. Gina Bullis Assistant Superintendent Othello School District #01019/34884 Pub: January 4, 11, 18 & 25, 2017