Sunday, March 23, 2025

Commission seeks to fill P&Z vacancy

Star Silva Editor | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 8 years, 2 months AGO
by Star Silva Editor
| January 12, 2017 12:00 AM

Boundary County Commissioners are seeking letters of interest from individuals who have lived in Boundary County for at least two years who are interested in filling a vacant position on the Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission.

Planning and Zoning Commission member Matt Cossalman, who served on the commission since Feb. 2009, has completed his second term. Cossalman has mentored the current Chairman this year

“He has Chaired the Commission, and has done an outstanding job of being sensitive to both the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Use Ordinance.” Boundary County Planning and Zoning Administrator John Moss said. “It is difficult to think of his no longer being present on the Commission, but he has volunteered his time and commitment to helping the P&Z Commission any time they wish to call on him.”

Boundary County Commissioners extend their appreciation to Mr. Cossalman for his service to the community.

“Matt’s perspective and analysis has been invaluable and we will miss him,” Boundary County Commissioner Dan Dinning said.

“Yes, with his experience and knowledge, he has been a tremendous asset to the county,” Boundary County Commissioner LeAlan Pinkerton added.

Cossalman said it has been a privilege to serve on the board.

”It was a privilege to serve with citizens passionate about living in Boundary County,” Cossalman said. “I especially appreciated the people who took time to testify and offer their insights to the board.”

Land Use Ordinance requirements for filling a P&Z Vacancy:

3.6. Planning and Zoning Commission

3.6.1. Continuation: The Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission is continued to serve as the deciding body where authority is granted and in an advisory capacity to the board of county commissioners on other land use matters as established by this ordinance.

3.6.2. Membership/Compensation: The planning and zoning commission will consist of nine members, who will serve voluntarily and without compensation except for reimbursement of expenses specifically authorized by the board of county commissioners.

3.6.3. Appointment/Term of Office/Qualification of Members: Members of the planning and zoning commission will be appointed by resolution of the board of county commissioners and will meet the residency requirements established at IC-67-6504. County commissioners may, at their discretion, also include area of residence within the county as an additional criterion so as to assure balanced representation. The appointing resolution will specify the effective date of appointment as well as the expiration of the term of appointment. Terms will be staggered so that no more than five terms expire within any two-year period. The term of office for members of the planning and zoning commission will be four years. Where a new member is appointed to fill a vacancy created by an expiring term, that member will be appointed to a full term. Where a new member is appointed to fill a vacancy created by resignation, that member will be appointed to complete the remainder of the term vacated. Membership shall be limited to not more than two full terms.

3.6.4. Filling Vacancies: In the event of a vacancy, either by completion of term or by resignation, the administrator will publish notice of vacancy in available media so as to solicit letters of interest from those qualified and wishing to serve, and will schedule review of those letters on the next available planning and zoning commission agenda. Upon review, the planning and zoning commission may either direct staff to seek additional letters of interest and table the review or forward to county commissioners a recommendation as to who should fill the vacancy, made by motion and majority vote. The administrator will forward the recommendation, along with all letters of interest submitted, to county commissioners and set a date on the agenda for initial review. County commissioners may make final decision based on the merits of the planning and zoning commission recommendation and the content of the letter of interest, table a decision to allow for interviews with prospective members, or direct the administrator to seek additional letters of interest for consideration by the planning and zoning commission.

Those interested in serving on the Planning & Zoning Commission should send a letter to Boundary County Planning and Zoning, PO Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, specifying how long you’ve lived in Boundary County, what area of the county you reside in, and provide a brief summary of why you’re interested in serving. The person selected will be appointed, by Resolution by the County Commissioners ,to a full four-year term, which expires Jan. 31, 2021.

Letters will be accepted through February 2 2017. Information: (208) 267-7212.


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