High school student to perform at Carnegie Hall
The Western News | UPDATED 8 years, 1 month AGO
Submitted by Tracy Lauer
Laurynn Lauer, a student at Libby High School, has been selected for the 2017 High School Honors Performance Series at Carnegie Hall. She will perform Alto 2 in February with the Honors Performance Concert Choir.
Participation in one of the five Honors Ensembles is limited to the highest-rated high school performers from across the world. Earlier this year, Lauer auditioned for the Honors Performance Series and was accepted after a review by the Honors Selection Board. Acceptance to the elite group is a direct result of the talent, dedication and achievements demonstrated in her application and audition recording.
“I remember back in my freshman year about Mrs. Braun talking about one of her previous students that attended this, and I thought it would be crazy if I got the opportunity to go… now junior year comes by and I’ll be leaving soon to sing in Carnegie Hall,” Lauer said in response to her selection. “It’s truly a dream come true.”
Lauer will join other performers from 49 United States, Guam, two Canadian provinces, and a number of foreign countries for a special performance at world-famous Carnegie Hall, a venue that marks the pinnacle of musical achievement.
Lauer has studied music for eight years and is a member of Libby Concert Choir, as well as her personal band, Laurynn and the Ladykillers. She has participated at the state level for the past two years, receiving seven superior ratings and one excellent rating. She also will be going with the Ambassadors of Music group to sing in seven different countries in Europe with a choir, combined of Montana/North Dakota for 16 days in July of 2017.
According to Morgan Smith, Program Director, in a press release, “Being selected to the Honors Performance Series is something each finalist should be extremely proud of accomplishing. We processed more than 18,000 nominations this year and have selected nearly 750 of the most talented student performers from around the world. Working with these conductors and performing at Carnegie Hall is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that these musicians never forget”.
Finalists will come together in New York City for five days in February 2017. They will have the opportunity to learn from world-renowned conductors, work with other finalists, and get a taste of New York City. Two performances, an Honors Choral Performance and an Honors Instrumental Performance, will take place Sunday, Feb. 5.
The Honors Performance Series was created to showcase accomplished individual high school performers on an international level by allowing them to study under master conductors and perform in the celebrated venue, Carnegie Hall. The Honors Performance Series is proudly presented by WorldStrides, the nation’s leading educational travel organization.