Sunday, March 02, 2025

Community Thanks

Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 8 years, 1 month AGO
| January 22, 2017 12:00 AM

Thanks: Play in a Day was big success

Christian Youth Theater-North Idaho (CYT North Idaho) would like to thank those in the community who participated, volunteered or donated to their 8th Annual Play in a Day fundraiser on Dec. 27 and 28.

We had 124 local children, along with 20+ adult volunteers, CYT staff and Kroc staff, literally come together and perform an original script of The Pied Piper of Hamelin in 24 hours! The cast of 110 kids between the ages of 10-18 memorized their lines and song lyrics overnight while 14 teens overseen by volunteer adults, pulled and created the sets, props and costumes. Early on Dec. 28, while the crew slept, the cast rehearsed learning their blocking, choreography and songs. At 1 p.m., all of the kids and volunteers came together for dress rehearsal, a quick bite to eat donated by local restaurants, and then a performance for supporters and the curious who couldn’t believe it could be done!

While the event was free to the children who participated, through ticket sales to the public and a drawing for prizes, CYT made some necessary funds to keep their nonprofit, after-school, theater arts training program running. Two participants walked away with free tuition for one of CYT’s theater arts class sessions held three times a year. The CYT-North Idaho staff and Chill Bucket Productions would like to specially acknowledge Coeur d’Alene Primary Care and Idaho Print Pro for sponsoring the event. They would also like to recognize the following businesses for their donations:

Del Taco-Hayden, Domino’s Pizza-Coeur d’Alene, Krispy Kreme Donuts-Spokane Valley, Lightning Tool & Manufacturing Inc., Northern Dance Academy and Super 1 Foods. CYT North Idaho and Chillbucket Productions would also like to thank the S.A. Kroc Community Center for their continued support and look forward to returning next year to experience the miracles that can happen when 150 people come together to have fun and entertain their community.

BLISS LANIER, executive director

CYT North Idaho

THANKS: It’s a Wonderful Red Hot Life!

The Red Hot Mamas are grateful to be part of our Caring Community. We have all heard the expression: “It takes a village.” Our Northwest “village” is a place where people take action to help make a difference all year through.

The RHMs were able to bless others in 2016 with many benefits, services, smiles, laughs, uplifting presentations and cold-hard-cash due to the blessings of fabulous people coming alongside our organization. Because of them we were able to donate goods, services and cashola to The Veterans’ Stand Down, Komen Race for the Cure, The Coeur d’Alene Carousel Foundation, The Coeur d’Alene Press Christmas for All, Dallas, Texas Children’s Health, Brookdale Senior Living Solution Community, Garden Plaza, Sullivan Park Care Center, Colonial Court Assisted Living, Ironman, Coeur d’Alene Fourth of July Festival, Kootenai Health Festival of Trees, The North Idaho Fair, ElderHelp, Food Banks, Women’s Center, Warming Center, St. Vincent HELP Center, Newby-ginnings, Coeur d’Alene Kinetic Festival, Car d’Lane, Lewis-Clark State College Graduation, Good Samaritan Benefit for attacked Pastor Tim Remington, Heart of the City Church, Peak 7 Adventures serving marginalized youth, Spokane Civic Theater, Armed Forces Lilac Torchlight Parade, Continuous Curriculum School PTSA, Birthright, and individuals in need.

It is with great appreciation we GIVE A CHEER OF GRATITUDE to our supporters: PEAK Health and Wellness Center for many years of rehearsal space sponsorship. The Tedder Properties North Idaho Outlet Center, Dr. Raymond Greene of Ironwood Professional Plaza and Serena Mayer of Grocery Outlet for allowing us to prance and dance around their parking lots. The Garden Plaza for generously providing their beautiful activities room, Trinity Lutheran Church for kindly providing meeting space, our buds at Office Max for loaning us shopping carts over and over again, The Season’s Restaurant and Chef Scottie for graciously hosting our events, Northwest Tile and Floor for encouragement, use of fabulous truck, and storage space, Burt’s Music for great advice and services, the friendly and expert guidance of the gals at JoAnn’s Fabrics, The endless resources of North Idaho College, Brad Broadwell of Mark’s Marine for arranging use of Pontoon Boat and Truck to complete our Fourth of July Parade unit, Jeff Moritz’s AHmazing GTO and Don Dyno’s classic car for Car d’Lane Show, Bill Regan of The Coeur d’Alene Resort for arranging for us to assemble our Car d’Lane performance unit on the property, Coeur d’Alene Downtown Association, Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce, the North Idaho Classic Car Club, Coeur d’Alene Press for excellent communications, and The Paint Buzz talent and eagerness to collaborate to benefit Christmas for All. Our MaMasBoyz for a year’s worth of building, hauling, operating sound systems, driving vehicles and offering assistance of all manner. MOST OF ALL, the people of our very special community who smile, laugh, and encourage our endeavors as we “Ease on Down the Road” together.

We look forward to a Dazzling 2017 as we work with the Macy’s creative team to perform for the third time in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade this coming November. Macy’s Parade informative audition and orientation workshops will take place in February for this ridiculously thrilling experience. We will continue our monthly community service projects and Northwest events, with performances in Dublin for St. Patrick’s Day and Rome for New Year’s Day celebrations on our radar.

It’s always a good day to be thankful. Thank you dear community. The “Mamas” wish you exuberant JOY!

Your own Red Hot Mamas, Idaho’s Ambassadors of Fun,

MIKKI STEVENS, president

The Red Hot Mamas


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