Mixed feelings about winter weather
Whitefish Pilot | UPDATED 8 years AGO
Every year, by the time winter rolls around, I couldn’t be more excited. The falling of leaves and steady decline in temperature signify that it is time for flannels and warm fires and hot chocolate. There’s skiing on the mountain, ice skating at the rink, and building forts in the snow. What is there not to like? These fond memories of winter and the anticipation that I have each fall always mask the pain and suffering that are actually endured as winter progresses. Honestly, what’s really so great about winter?
Is it the balmy weather? Because personally, the fluctuation between 10 below zero and 30 degrees has not been preferable. Mornings are the worst. Nothing puts me in a good mood like waking up 10 minutes earlier every morning, jumping from my cozy bed, and racing outside nearly freezing to death just to start my car. The deceiving part of the cold is waking up on a bluebird day excited to feel the warm sun only to be disappointed by the negative temperature that Mother Nature actually decided to give us. It’s not fun. Checking the weather in places down South makes a person really question why they chose Montana, or more specifically, why my parents chose Montana over their southern drenched roots.
So besides the freezing temperatures that winter provides us with, maybe the excitement of sliding around on icy roads is what makes winter so “great.” Even though snow tires can be helpful, it can be scary driving on streets, especially the long, steep road I drive everyday to get home. On those early mornings when the snow plow hasn’t reached my road, I essentially drive on a tilted ice rink. The worst part of the slick roads is the affect it has on people. Even on main roads that are plowed and relatively dry, many people — including my mother — feel that it is too dangerous to even drive the speed limit. Instead, they go well under. It has become a common occurrence when late to school that I get stuck behind a car going 25 in the 45 mph road. Now that’s what I call fun!
Another “fun” part of winter is the exhilaration of risking your life every time you step outside. You never know when a nearly invisible sheet of thin ice is going to creep under your step causing near fatal tumble. Being as clumsy as I am, it’s almost tempting to buy a life alert because who knows the next time I fall and won’t be able to get back up. I couldn’t even imagine what it is like for my parents with their lack of skeletal muscles to support their aging frames.
So sure, there is skiing, ice skating, and playing in the snow but there is also freezing, sliding, and slipping, and generally moving around in slow “penguin-esque” increments. Winter has its perks but by the end of the season I always find myself praying for warmth. Maybe it’s not specifically winter that I don’t like but instead maybe I am just never satisfied with one season — I’m always ready for the next. This cycle always repeats itself and I can guarantee that next fall I’ll be just as excited for winter as I was this year. I will forget the frigid temperatures, the deadly roads, and the slippery ground and once again look forward to the joy of the first snowfall.
Thomas Carloss is a senior at Whitefish High School.