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Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 7 years, 6 months AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, ID 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Larry Darling, son of Mrs. Charlotte Darling, Sandpoint, arrived home for a visit June 29. A flight engineer in helicopters, Darling will report to Oakland on July 25 to be assigned to the First Aviation Brigade in Vietnam. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. L.G. Moon Sr., Bottle Bay.
Ground was broken last Friday for a chapel at Schweitzer. Fr. Robert Schlim, S.J., Spokane, known as the “skiing padre,” said that the non-denominational chapel, seating 130 worshippers, will be built below the lower terminal of the little T-bar and the parking lot. The walls will be of wood with native Schweitzer Basin stone for the altar.
Jim Brown contributed the wood, W.W. Wyatt the surveying, and Sam Wormington is obtaining contributions of concrete for the foundation. Ross Hall is in charge of volunteer labor for the project.
Fire Chief Art Chubb requests that Sandpoint residents turn lawn taps off when the fire siren blows. He said water demand this summer, which has every indication of being a dry one, has already reduced water pressure to 40 pounds. In case of a serious blaze, the department needs all the pressure it can get. “Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated,” stated Chief Chubb. “The simple act of turning off a tap may save the city or some individual considerable in fire loss.”
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
July 20, 1917 — FOREST FIRES
A number of forest fires have broken out in this area the past week. The largest, covering close to 1,000 acres, is on Grouse creek. A 50 acre fire destroyed the Bolin camp west of the city. Smaller fires visited Morton, Laclede and Priest Lake.
Word has come that Bonner county will not have to furnish men for Uncle Sam’s first army. The number of county men already gone forth as soldiers reduced its quota to the vanishing point, thus no men must respond to the present call.
What action to take regarding the I.W.W. strike in this county seemed as problematical as ever, after a Tuesday meeting with the sheriff, county attorney, commissioners and T.J. Humbird, who asked for police protection at his camps.
Sheriff Remer said protection will be afforded any county lumber company bringing in new crews. “There will be no picketing in this county,” he stated, “and lumber companies will be protected when they tell us operations are ready to begin.” Mr. Humbird felt federal troops are warranted, not due to inability of local authorities to handle the problem, but to their inability to do more than shove the burden to other counties.
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