Thursday, March 06, 2025

KPD Roll Call 7/18-7/25

Shoshone News-Press | UPDATED 7 years, 7 months AGO
| July 25, 2017 11:08 PM

•Assisted K73 with an unwanted person on the 100 block of Presley, peace was restored and subject agreed to leave.

•Called to the Fairbridge Inn for a suspicious person hanging out there, she stated she was waiting for the bus and had a ticket. Cleared not suspicious.

•Called to the Fairbridge again for the same female, this time she was yelling at a guest about god and other things. The Fairbridge no longer want her there and she is trespassed from the Inn. Once she was informed she said “don’t worry I won’t come back”. K76 didn’t have an issue with her for the rest of the evening.

•Assisted County with an individual at the Cameron Conoco.

•Called to Brown Street for a stolen vehicle. The Reporting party was intoxicated and wanted to report his vehicle stolen because it was not where he left it. After speaking to the wife, she was worried he was going to drive and pulled the car around the back of the home into the alley and hid the keys from him. Cleared not stolen.

•Patrolled Kellogg and Wardner.

•Follow up on battery case.

•Extra patrol on the streets under construction and extra patrol on the detour streets, so yeah that was pretty much all Kellogg right now.

•Set out the speed control sign on the 200 block of Riverside.

•T-stop at 1000 block of McKinley for one working headlight. Cleared verbal.

•T-stop at 600 block of Bunker Ave for stop sign violation. Cleared verbal.

•T-stop at Division/ Riverside for stop sign violation. Cleared verbal.

•Agency assist for county in Silverton for verbal domestic. Cleared assist.

•T-stop at Division overpass for stop sign violation. Cleared verbal.

•T-stop at on ramp to 51 for stop sign violation. License was invalid. Had to have a friend of his come drive his truck home.

•Verbal argument in progress. Parties were separated when K72 arrived on scene. Cleared peace restored.

•Called to a report of two felons handing out together. Strange call, yes, but we did check it out and could not find the two felons.

•Traffic stop on Cameron and short Street for stop sign violation. Cited for no insurance.

•Traffic stop on railroad and Hill Street for another stop sign violation. Cleared verbal.

•Welfare check on 400 block of Main Street, Wardner. Cleared NAT

•While at the welfare check K72 spotted Eddie Haskell and wrote him a citation for criminal trespassing at Silver Mtn Resort as he was previously trespassed by K77.

•Traffic stop on 100 block main st for one working headlight. Cleared verbal.

•Called to the skate park about suspicious activity, upon arrival there was two juveniles which had fled when K72 pulled up. 1216 ended up grabbing one of the juveniles off duty as he was outside watching what was happening. Escorted the juvenile to his house and had a talk with grandma. Cleared Told Grandma, “my favorite clearance code”.

•Foot patrol on Main Street, McKinley, Silver Mtn, and Mission Avenue.

•Traffic stop on 600 block of Bunker for speeding. Cleared verbal.

•Extra patrol through the construction.

•Fixed detour signs.

•Foot patrol on Main Street, Kellogg, Mission Avenue, Silver Mountain, and McKinley Avenue.

•Called to Eddie Joes for a report of a stolen vehicle, the vehicle stolen was a Ford. After taking the report, about 20 minutes later the vehicle was found at Dirty Ernie’s. Nothing was taken from the vehicle, and no damage was done in anyway. Vehicle was released to register owner.

•Called to Mullan Avenue for a welfare check.

•Extra patrol on Presley Avenue.

•Extra patrol around construction areas and equipment.

•Ran paperwork up to court house.

•Handled multiple landline request.

•Traffic complaint on Main Street, Wardner cleared infraction issued.

•Welfare check on Second Street.

•K73 and K75 had the great and humbling opportunity to be part of the funeral service of Ron Frank.

•Fixed detour signs again. Some wise guy keeps moving them to point the wrong way.

•Patrolled Kellogg and Wardner.

•Extra Patrol in construction areas.

•Stationary Patrol at Cameron and Hill.

•Stationary patrol at Bunker and Hill.

•Extra patrol Main Street, Wardner.

•VIN inspection x3.

•A guy called into to report his “old ball and chain” stolen. Now, my first thought was most likely the same as yours, that the guys wife left him for someone else. So K75 had to clarify and make sure he was not talking about his wife. Nope, it was actually a ball and chain that he had given to someone so they could try and sell it. Follow up to continue.

•Lots of foot patrol.

•Speed emphasis Main Street, Wardner and East McKinley Avenue.

•K77’s fingers must be broken as we did not get any briefs from him this week, lets hope his fingers get better soon.

Be Happy, Be Safe, Enjoy the summer sunsets.


KPD Roll Call 7/11-7/18
Shoshone News-Press | Updated 7 years, 7 months ago
KPD Roll Call 6/27–7/4
Shoshone News-Press | Updated 7 years, 8 months ago
KPD Roll Call 8/1-8/8
Shoshone News-Press | Updated 7 years, 6 months ago