Thursday, March 06, 2025

A big vision with an even bigger heart

Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 7 years, 8 months AGO
| June 22, 2017 1:00 AM


LOREN BENOIT/PressThe Kootenai Health Foundation presents a $5 million check to Kootenai Health. The money will go to the expansion of the emergency department and surgical services. Pictured from left to right: Liese Razzeto, Jon Ness, Eve Knudtsen, Mike Chapman and Peter Wagstaff.


Staff Writer

COEUR d'ALENE — A white napkin caught the quiet tears that rolled down Ron McIntire's cheeks as Jon Ness spoke.

The Kootenai Health CEO began by expressing how McIntire is the first person who comes to mind when he thinks of a community-owned hospital that supports its community.

"This is an individual that exhibits and lives family values, hard work, commitment to your community and a commitment to each other," Ness said.

As he presented the Visionary Leadership Award to McIntire during a ceremony Wednesday evening, he read aloud some of the words on the plaque.

"As a community leader and a loyal advocate for expanding health care services to meet the community's growing needs, Mr. McIntire was a major benefactor of Kootenai Health's heart center in 2004 and its family birth center in 2014," Ness read to the room. "Ron McIntire is known as a gentle, humble man. His selfless dedication to his family, his church and his community is a source of inspiration for all that know him."

Every able-bodied person who attended Kootenai Health Foundation's Celebration of Giving got on their feet, filling the Hagadone Event Center with a heartfelt peal of applause for McIntire and his family.

"We've had several of our family members use Kootenai Medical. I think I was one of the very first heart patients there for open-heart surgery," McIntire said softly into the mic after approaching the podium. "The growth can't come unless we help. The fiscal management of the hospital itself is great, but every little bit helps.

"I appreciate each one of you, and I appreciate those that honored myself and family," he continued. "It's a great privilege to be a part of this community, and we will intend always to continue to be a big part of that community, and the growth and all that goes around with it."

McIntire, a former Foundation board chair and longtime Kootenai Health supporter, is only the second person to receive the Kootenai Health Foundation's Visionary Leadership Award. The first recipient, in 2015, was John Smith Richards, father of Tom and John Richards. That same year, the McIntires donated $1 million to the hospital for women's and children's services, and in 2004 they donated a large sum to the heart center.

"The purpose of this award is to recognize individuals who brought transformational change to Kootenai Health through their foresight, innovative thought and leadership," said Julie Holt, Foundation president. "The award's not intended to be given out annually; it's more when we're inspired by a particular leader who has demonstrated the qualities that we're looking for."

The evening included beverages, appetizers, music and social time, as well as the announcement the Foundation would be gifting a whopping $5 million to the hospital for the emergency department and operating rooms.

But throughout the evening, the stories kept circling back to the McIntire family and their dedication to their community.

"One of the things were always told, and I don't know who said it first, but there are two kinds of people in this world — the givers and the takers. The takers, you eat better, but the givers, you sleep better. My parents know how to sleep really, really well," said Ron and Joanne McIntire's daughter, Becky Boifeuillet, as she too began to tear up in the moment. "I'm very grateful to be the daughter of two parents who love our community, who love each other and love to be able to give." 


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