KPD Roll Call 5/9-5/16
Shoshone News-Press | UPDATED 7 years, 9 months AGO
•I would like to introduce Matt Crawford, KPD’s newest officer. If you see some young kid driving a patrol vehicle around Kellogg and think “wow, is he old enough to even drive?”- That’s him. He is fresh out of North Idaho POST and even old enough to do bar checks. Thinking we will call him BOOT- as in new boot. If you see him out and about, please give him a friendly wave (yes, with all fingers).
•Vin Inspection at KPD.
•Patrolled in the sunshine.
•Talked with the man that owners the Motor home on Portland across from the Amy Lynn’s. I told him that he can’t be living in it here in town. He said that he is not living it in but he will move it anyway.
•Worked on citation scenarios. (BOOT)
•Unwanted subject,100 block W Portland, gone prior to arrival, while still in the area talking to a neighbor, witnessed her taking off in her grey grand am. previously dispatch informed us that the unwanted person had a misdemeanor warrant. Vehicle stopped behind the old YMCA , made contact with the driver, said driver was arrested for misdemeanor warrant.
•Boot was introduced to the city council.
•County Assist with a domestic at Walmart. Cleared assist.
•Landline request for stolen bike. Bike was stolen/ missing for a couple days now. OF generated for the stolen Bianchi bicycle. Dark blue in color if anybody ends up finding it let me know I’ll contact the owner. Bike was found and returned.
•County assist at MP 47 WB for traffic stop that had potential warrants. Everything was code 4.
•Called to McDonalds for suspicious activity. Vehicle that didn’t belong to the owners was in the parking lot, while en-route to call the car drove off and employees were unable to get license plate. cleared unable to locate.
•Possible 80-04 driver, was unable to locate the vehicle. RP was unable to give a direction of travel after the vehicle exited at the Hill St exit.
•Mobile patrols of Kellogg and Wardner.
•Warrant service attempt on W. Mill - negative contact.
•Check on vehicles up for tow. Running VIN got titled owner information as well as person that sold the vehicles. Person that sold the vehicles was in the process of giving contact info for Titled owner. Attempting contact with titled owner prior to tow. Will most likely tow vehicles tomorrow.
•Landline request reference questions about facebook/messages received. Further research to be conducted on this matter.
•Dog at large on Silver - unable to locate. Contacted RP and initially wanted to sign citation. After gathering information, it did not appear to be the dog he was thinking of and will not be signing citation at this time (dog he was speaking of was on its own property within minutes of call and me arriving and other neighbors stated dog. no further description) went in opposite direction of where suspect dog was visible and lying down. Unfounded.
•Traffic complaint - Division and Main, vehicle northbound on Main with male subject sitting on hatchback. Unable to locate.
•Civil paper service = Served.
•Attempt to locate - possible DUI - Not in Kellogg, Out of position.
•Attempt to locate - distracted driver (texting) - not in Kellogg - out of position.
•Called to Sierra Nevada Rd for traffic complaint. The Wardner “Dennis the Menace” was verbally warned for speeding on the dirt road and stirring up too much dust.
•Took a dog into the pound.
•Citizen assist, poor jogger was caught in the hail storm. I provided a safe ride home.
•The dog K75 placed in the shelter pled her case and claimed the thunder had scared her so she ran away from home, a fine was paid and she was released with time served.
•Follow up on a child case from a couple of years ago. Met with the Prosecutor on said case and introduced BOOT to the Prosecutors office.
•Picked up a Bianchi Bike at Silver Mountain that had been reported missing.
•Attempted to locate a possible missing person from Kellogg, might be in Montana, person has not been reported missing, parent is just concerned at this time but may be in to file a report. Subject located.
•Follow-up from yesterday’s report. Collected more information and informed guardian of what was taking place. Will be notified later this weekend on how they wish to proceed.
•Traffic stop 500 block of McKinley - verbal for following too close, fail to stop at a stop sign, and fail to maintain lane. Verbal warning as well as education. Traffic tip: If approaching a stop sign while behind a vehicle and the vehicle in front of you stops at said stop sign, you do not get to go through with that vehicle- you still have to approach the stop line and stop yourself.
•Traffic stop Legion and Hill- verbal for stopping at stop sign and expired registration (11 days).
•Traffic stop Division at Stovern’s/Dave Smith Parking lot. Improper lane usage- continued straight from turn lane. Verbal for front license plate as well.
•Fire alarm at Kellogg Middle School. Assist Fire - no actual fire, believed a student may have pulled the alarm. School looking into issue.
•Removed two vehicles that were tagged abandoned.
•Took two dogs into the pound from county. Found running at large up French Gulch. Male and female black lab(s).
•Attempted to locate possible missing person with K71. Later found out subject was located in Southern Idaho by family members. No report needed.
•Traffic stop Hill and I90 for studded tires - verbal / report of persons on the bridge at 49 obstructing traffic. Went to the area and could not locate. Checked all bridges in town (covering river) and did not see anyone obstructing traffic, nor anyone on foot in the areas. UTL
•Bar checks, all was in order.
•Traffic stop on W McKinley Ave for speed. cleared verbal warning.
•Traffic stop on S Division for speed cleared verbal.
•Traffic 400 block of Bunker - cite for speed 50/25. Cite for Invalid License and Insurance. Cite and release for the last two. Vehicle released to licensed, insured driver. Arrest - cite and release.
•Traffic Division and Kellogg - verbal for speed.
•Neighbor issue on E. Portland. Discussed with RP on how to proceed. Public Assist.
•Citizen contact at KPD reference dog found in Rose Lake area. Advised to contact Kootenai County as it is different sheltering system and notifications.
•Attempt to locate possible domestic in vehicle. Reported Eastbound I90 at MP 45. Vehicle took the exit and continued eastbound. Setup McKinley/Government Gulch - Unable to locate.
•While trying to locate rolling domestic, deputy contact similar vehicle in Pinehurst. After leaving subject, he was notified registered owner has felony warrant out of Shoshone County. Deputies attempted to locate in Pinehurst while I checked residence in Kellogg. Unable to locate, will pass along to oncoming shift if not located before.
•One of the two dogs jailed last night posted bail - released to owner.
•Assisted county with a detox in Smelterville, subject started to resist but was taken into custody quickly without further incident.
•Did a round of bar checks with K75. All was in order.
•Mobile patrols of Kellogg and Wardner.
•Follow-up on cases
•Complete reports.
•K73 went over the importance of stopping at stop signs with BOOT.
•Unwanted subject at Trail Motel - turned out to be a civil stand-by as they had a pre-arranged time for subject to leave and they did so without incident.
•Found property 200 block of W. Cameron believed to be paraphernalia. Already destroyed upon arrival so no determination could be made. Item discarded....Unfounded.
•County Assist I-90 mp 45 on-ramp. Semi Vs Bug. Everyone but the bug was ok. Cleared assist.
•3 vin inspections.
•Mobile patrols of Kellogg and Wardner, Learning the streets!
•Welfare check on W. Mullan, Citizen assist, cleared.
•Attempted 29 service on Mill St, Negative contact.
•Citizen contact with a couple that appeared to be arguing as they were walking. Explained to the male half that yelling at us as we go by does not make us go away, but has the opposite effect. We asked him to quit yelling and disturbing the peace of the neighborhood. As he walked away he told BOOT to have a nice day, well not in those words, but you get the point.
•911 call for a stolen phone, turned into an unwanted person, said unwanted person was removed from her mother’s house on E. Cameron Ave. The female is a self-proclaimed homeless person.
•Called to the charter school on E. Riverside for an unwanted male ringing the doorbell wanting to use the restroom. On arrival person was gone. About 15 minutes later school called back and man had returned, on arrival man was by the laundry mat, when I contacted him, the adult male, stated he was claiming emanate domain due to him being homeless. He was cognitive to the fact that he was not welcome at the school.
•Called to the parking lot behind the old McConnell Hotel for a black car that had been parked there all night with someone sleeping in it. Contacted the adult male who was asleep in the back of his car, he stated he had gotten into an argument with is GF and left. Said adult male was suspended and was advised not to drive. Somehow, I don’t think he listened very well.
•Called back to E Cameron for same unwanted person. Made contact with her and told her that she is now trespassed from her mother’s house and that she would be arrested if she returned.
•Boots survived his first week with K73.
Be Happy, Be Safe, Think summer.