Smile when you call me 'ignorant'
Jack D. Jones | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 7 years, 10 months AGO
My name is Jack D. Jones, and I have lived in Kalispell, Montana, for the past nine years. Since being in business for myself most of my adult life, I have experienced many different situations both good and not so good. Presently I am battling a life-threatening disease brought on by my having too many birthdays. Being 80 years old, I have survived a lot of life’s challenges and many presidents of the United States of America, some good and some not so good.
I remember FDR, and I remember seeing grown men cry when he died.
I remember Harry S. Truman, a wonderful president.
I survived John F. Kennedy, who implemented military aid to Vietnam.
I survived Lyndon B. Johnson from my home state of Texas, who escalated the Vietnam War and sent 500,000 U.S. troops to Vietnam, where the death toll of Americans was some 58,000. He and Hubert Horatio Humphrey were also instrumental in implementing Affirmative Action and the Great Society.
I survived Richard Nixon, who abolished the draft, which was the beginning of the end for many of our young folks who no longer honor country or have the discipline which being in the military taught. And, Nixon also introduced the dreaded metric system. But, he also ended the Vietnam War by bombing the hell out of Hanoi.
I survived Jimmy Carter, who did “what” besides give away the Panama Canal, draw a check and nearly ruin the country with runaway inflation, record high interest rates and the energy crisis?
I survived William Clinton, who disgraced the office of the presidency of our country and who was impeached for diddling with the help and who perjured himself. Clinton is also the president who appointed Janet “Waco” Reno, the attorney general who ended the standoff at Waco, ultimately killing 75 men, women and children.
I remember and admired Ronald Reagan.
I survived that spineless pantywaist Barack Obama, who had the opportunity to unite this racially divided country but chose to stir the pot. Space and time don’t allow for “the rest of his story.”
I have survived the endless (20 plus years) of Hillary “Benghazi” Clinton’s quest for and the grooming and publicity she received from Obama and the Democratic Party to become the first woman president of the United States of America. What a corruptible and despicable person. And Mr. Jim Lockwood in a letter to the editor called me “IGNORANT” for not voting for this self-serving, power-hungry, classless woman.
Jim Lockwood criticized President Trump for his lack of military experience. But didn’t you just get chills every time Obama exited Air Force One and gave the Marine that “limp wrist” salute at the foot of the steps. He wouldn’t even look the soldier in the eye. Where and when was Obama’s military experience? Where and when was the “pantsuit queen’s” military experience? Benghazi? Think what a commander-in-chief Hillary Clinton would have made. She would have just put the fear of God in the whole world, right?
I was born and raised in West Texas back when and where we were taught to respect folks and to refer to these folks as “Ma’am” and “Sir.” A handshake was like carving a promise in stone.
With my background and upbringing I have looked the “devil” straight in his face many times and never did I back down from that SOB, and with all this being said, I Jack D. Jones refuse to back down and be called “IGNORANT” by a whiner who disrespected me publicly for voting for Donald J. Trump. The rest of the story is that I drove in from Helena where I was working to vote. It was that important to me to do my part in keeping this country from being under another president maybe even worse than Obama. The nearly 63 million other citizens of this great country whom Mr. Lockwood disrespected can deal with him however they wish, but as for me, Sir, “Don’t you dare call me IGNORANT and insult me. Go get with Smirking Rachel Maddow, Rosie, Oprah, Ellen Degeneris, and all the other celebrity weenies and cry together.
The rest of the story is that being an old cowhand from the Rio Grande, I liked Rob Quist at the outset of this upcoming election, and I could have maybe compromised my better judgment about his credit worthiness, but when he calls in the socialist Bernie Sanders to campaign for him, that tells me all I need to know about Rob Quist. Sorry about that, Sir, but you aren’t getting this old cowboy’s vote.
Jack Jones is a resident of Kalispell.
Smile when you call me 'ignorant'
My name is Jack D. Jones, and I have lived in Kalispell, Montana, for the past nine years. Since being in business for myself most of my adult life, I have experienced many different situations both good and not so good. Presently I am battling a life-threatening disease brought on by my having too many birthdays. Being 80 years old, I have survived a lot of life’s challenges and many presidents of the United States of America, some good and some not so good.
Smile when you call me 'ignorant'
My name is Jack D. Jones, and I have lived in Kalispell, Montana, for the past nine years. Since being in business for myself most of my adult life, I have experienced many different situations both good and not so good. Presently I am battling a life-threatening disease brought on by my having too many birthdays. Being 80 years old, I have survived a lot of life’s challenges and many presidents of the United States of America, some good and some not so good.
What are we doing when we care more about predators than their victims?
The wheels of justice turn pretty fast UNLESS you’re on death row for a brutal, heinous crime such as the late Dennis McGuire who was exterminated Jan. 16, 2014, some 25 years after his crimes. But, the family got their lawsuit against the state of Ohio and the drug maker filed within eight days of the execution.