Herald's single-copy rate increases to $1 on Thursday
Richard Byrd | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 7 years, 9 months AGO
MOSES LAKE — The times are definitely changing and to keep up with those drastic changes the single copy rate for the Columbia Basin Herald will be increasing to $1 on Thursday.
The rate change is the first for the Herald since 2011, when the paper went from 50 cents to 75 cents. The change only affects those who purchase the paper at a newsstand, such as inside a grocery store or outside of a gas station.
"We haven't raised our single copy rates for years, yet our newspaper has greatly improved... Since then, just about everything has gone up in cost; gas, newsprint and ink,” Columbia Basin Herald Publisher Eric LaFontaine explained.
The rate change does not apply to readers who currently have a subscription to the Herald however. In fact, after the crunching numbers, Columbia Basin Herald Circulation Manager Susan Cant noted a subscription to the Herald is really the best way to go for those who want to get their news and save money as well, opposed to paying a $1 a day at a newsstand.
“A subscriber that is on our automatic bill withdrawal only pays 61 cents a day for their paper. So being a subscriber, there is definitely a financial gain there,” Cant said. “Plus, being a subscriber you can get a little bit more access to the Herald’s website as well.”
LaFontaine believes the price matches the quality and consistency of the Herald product.
"There's no local media group that provides hyper-local coverage and support of our area to the extent we do. We have reporters and sales staff in the field on a daily basis to make sure we keep on finger on the pulse and follow our vision of ‘connecting community and commerce through print and digital media,’” he stated.
Richard Byrd can be reached via email at city@columbiabasinherald.com.

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