Wanda Irish
Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 7 years, 4 months AGO
Editor’s note: The Press is publishing snapshots of candidates in contested races leading up to the Nov. 7 local elections.
Name: Wanda Irish
Town you live in: Harrison
Age: Did not disclose
Length of residency: 17 years
Family: Married
Highest level of education completed: Bachelor’s degree
Degrees held: Business administration
Profession: Retired from 37 years in banking
Civic/community service: Lifetime member of the Harrison Crane Museum; member of the Harrison Chamber of Commerce; appointed to American Bankers Association.
Volunteerism: Support and contribute to events in Harrison, Kootenai School District, Harrison Food Bank and Senior Center.
Previous political experience: President of Harrison Planning and Zoning Commission; two-term Mayor of City of Harrison.
What prompted you to seek election to this position?
I was encouraged to re-run for my third term by many of the residents of Harrison. I want to thank everyone that believes in me and credit my success to their support. My record proves the desire and willingness to serve all the residents, manage the city staff and create and maintain a balanced budget; make critical decisions, working closely with City Council and other governing agencies.
What are three things you will work to change or improve if elected?
The first issue is lack of revenue. Utilization of grant funds from various sources is vital. During my terms as mayor, I have focused on applying and securing close to $1 million in grant monies.
The second issue is communications. Open lines of communications between city government and our residents is essential. As your mayor, I will continue to keep you apprised of major issues that affect you and our city.
The last issue is parking. If re-elected I will continue to pursue grant dollars that will go toward improving our infrastructure and creating parking solutions that we desperately need.
What makes you the best candidate?
I truly love the City of Harrison and I will continue to improve our quality of life in this remarkable town. Thirty-seven years in banking lends well to managing city personnel and the various challenges of mayor. During the last eight years as your mayor, we maintained a balanced budget and with the help of the City Council we leveraged every tax dollar.