Snyder touts conservative credentials
Steve Cameron Hagadone News Network | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 7 years, 5 months AGO
COEUR d’ALENE — Michael Snyder has gathered a national following as a “prepper pundit,” serving up loud and proud Christianity on the internet.
The publisher of The Economic Collapse blog, who lives in Bonners Ferry, brought a toned-down version of his beliefs to a Kootenai County Reagan Republican luncheon at The Fedora Pub and Grille on Thursday. He urged the audience to get behind his run for the 1st District congressional seat being vacated by Raul Labrador.
Although Snyder went a bit lighter on the all-out Christian theme for this crowd, he wasn’t kidding when he claimed he’d be the most conservative candidate in the race against better-known opponents Russ Fulcher, Luke Malek and David Leroy.
“The demographics are perfect for me,” Snyder said. “I am the most conservative candidate in this race by a mile, and the district itself is very conservative.
“I’m starting behind the others in terms of local name recognition, even though hundreds of millions follow me nationally — but I’m a fighter and I intend to close that gap.”
Snyder certainly sounded like the ultra-ultra conservative he claimed to be. Among other things, Snyder not only made a passionate case for a smaller federal government and booting out most of Congress — which he said was “failing disgracefully” — he also announced he favors abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, the Federal Reserve, the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Snyder not only stated that he he’s pro-life, he vowed to vote against any bill that includes funding for Planned Parenthood.
“Most politicians are con artists,” he said. “Can you honestly tell your constituents that you are pro-life and then go vote to fund Planned Parenthood?
“The people who run Planned Parenthood not only shouldn’t be funded, they should be arrested. But here we are, with Republicans in control of the White House and both houses of Congress, and everyone has the spine of a jellyfish.
“Why aren’t they doing what they promised in their campaigns? They just want to join the club in Congress and then stay in the club.
“I will never do that. I’m going to Washington to kick over some tables and get things done, not just to please leadership or anyone else.”
The other candidates in this race have taken similar positions on some of Snyder’s favorite targets, but they haven’t done it to such an extreme, or with a plan that sounds like burning down the whole place.
“We need less of the federal government and more states’ rights,” Snyder said. “The feds own 60 percent of the land in Idaho. If I am elected, this is what my message to the feds would be: ‘Hand over the keys and get out of Idaho.’”
Snyder wants immediate repeal of Obamacare — he believes it should have been done almost the instant President Trump took office — backs the wall with Mexico, insists on tightened immigration, and becomes almost apoplectic when ranting about the national debt.
“What will our children and grandchildren think of us?” he asked. “We’re just spending and spending trillions of dollars to keep the status quo just so we’re OK right now — but believe me, there will be a day of reckoning. You can’t borrow forever.”
Can Snyder actually compete in this race?
“Sure, it’s all uphill,” he said with a far calmer demeanor after the luncheon. “I need to meet groups around Boise. And I need debates, face-to-face with the other candidates. I think my experience on the internet and with so many TV appearances would give me a huge advantage in that kind of setting.
“People need to see me and get to know me. Then I really believe I can win.”
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