101 Women, Sandpoint celebrates grant award
Nancy Dooley Contributing Writer | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 6 years, 7 months AGO
A program that provides books to local school children recently won a grant award to the tune of $10,000 from 101 Women, Sandpoint.
The Village Green Book Trust, a local non-profit organization, won the grant award at 101 Women’s bi-annual membership meeting. The group received more votes than the other two finalists to bring home the $10,000 award.
Village Green provides over one thousand Lake Pend Oreille School District kindergartners through 4th graders with one free book each month throughout the school year to celebrate literacy and the love of learning. Village Green works in conjunction with Book Trust, a national organization based in Denver, whose goal is to empower elementary-aged students to become life-long readers and learners. Thanks to the generous grant from 101 Women Sandpoint Members, this local book trust will continue to enrich the lives of the students, teachers and their families.
“Children learn to read from kindergarten through third grade and read to learn from fourth grade on, according to Karen Quill, Book Trust Board Member. “These four years are crucial in developing the strongest foundation of literacy possible for our students.”
Quill went on to add, “We are changing the course of student’s lives by giving them a foundation of literacy that will ensure a more successful academic and working future. Basically, we are giving students the tools to improve their lives - the joy of reading is the joy of life.”
Village Green is 100 percent supported by the community and 100 percent of donations to the group goes directly to help fund the program. More information about the group can be found at www.villagegreenproject.org. Donations to the group can be made by contacting Karen Quill at 808-280-6516 or emailing her at karenquill@villagegreenproject.org.
101 Women, Sandpoint is a local organization that awards two $10,000 grants a year to Bonner County non-profit organizations. The next grant cycle is now open. The group is encouraging Bonner County non-profits to submit an on-line application for the upcoming fall grant award through their website: 101WomenSandpoint.com. The deadline for applications is September 1, 2018. 101 Women provides funding for a wide focus area with only religious and political groups excluded.
The other two finalists at the group’s spring grant event included Priest River Ministries Advocates for Women – a non-profit that provides no-cost support for women and children in our region who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and trafficking and the Sandpoint Youth Center, whose goal is to help Sandpoint’s youth turn high-risk afternoons and summer months into opportunities for success through worthwhile programming and relationship building. The Youth Center is currently seeking a new location and needs funding to help with the transition.
To learn more about 101 Women Sandpoint’s two other non-profit finalists or to donate to these organizations, go to their individual websites.
Priest River Ministries can be reached at prm.afw@gmail.com or by phone at 208-448-2800.
Sandpoint Youth Center can be reached at sandpointteencenter@yahoo.com or by phone at 208-448-2800.
To find out about upcoming 101 Women Sandpoint’s grant opportunities or to learn how to become a member, visit 101 Women Sandpoint’s website at 101womensandpoint.com.

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