Thursday, March 06, 2025

KPD Roll Call Aug. 7-14

Kellogg Police Department | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 6 years, 6 months AGO
by Kellogg Police DepartmentSgt. Paul Twidt
| August 16, 2018 12:44 PM

•Patrolled Kellogg and Wardner.

•Assist County with physical domestic at MP 54 west bound. Cleared Unable To Locate (UTL).

•Assist County with Burglary alarm in Wallace. Cleared other agency assist.

•Motorist assist S. Division and Railroad. Helped trucker locate WB on-ramp.

•Motorist assist on Cameron Ave, helped guide lost traveler to Fairbridge Inn.

•Parking issue Cedar and Mullan. Vehicle parked in the way of paving. Contacted owner of vehicle and he reluctantly moved said vehicle prior to tow.

•Dispatched to Health and Welfare for a suicidal subject. Male wanted to voluntarily commit himself into SMC. Later provided courtesy transport for said male to the crisis center in CDA. Cleared public assist.

•Dispatched to Kellogg City Pool for an adult male inappropriately touching a juvenile female. Male apparently was trying to break up a fight between her and another girl. Cleared unfounded.

•Picked up wallet for a male who was found sleeping in a bathroom at Silver Mtn. Male was later located and was given his wallet back.

•K72 got his patrol vehicle back today.

•Citizen contact with male on 4 wheeler.

•Called to the 411 bunker apartments for threats. Cleared public assist.


•Traffic stop at McKinley and Main for no lights. Clear verbal.

•Citizen contact with group walking down rail road, just folks walking home from the bar.

•Dealt with a transient...for most of the night. Said transient looking for a place to sleep. If you want to stay in a hotel room Mr. Transient, have to pay, just not help yourself to a room.

•Assist K75 with problems being caused by an individual at the Fairbridge Inn.

•Suspicious person at Panhandle Health. Subject checking doors prior to their opening, it was the same transient K75 dealt with. Advised him getting toward the Interstate would get him a ride to Seattle quicker. He began walking. Unfortunately, he did not make it far.

•Landline request regarding civil stand by. On contact, the person did not know when they would be needing the stand-by. Advised them to contact SO when they had more information.

•Citizen contact at new city park (west). They were setting up disc golf course.

•Traffic stop 1000 block of McKinley. Verbal warning for studded tires, they were going to stay off the road and pull out the studs before continuing.

•Assisted County with citizen contact up Pinecreek. Five people, one had multiple warrants. Cleared other agency assist.

•Assisted Medical at Amy Lynns.

•Assisted K75 with noise complaint.

•Called to W. Mission for disturbing the peace. Cleared unfounded.

•Burglary alarm at Best Shots. Cleared building secured/ false alarm.

•Follow up on some reports regarding a misdemeanor battery case.

•Welfare check on a female located at 400 block of Bunker Ave. Cleared negative contact. Still trying to locate.

•Dispatched to a male trespassing on a job worksite. Ended up being our new famous Mr. Transient from Washington that we’ve all had the pleasure of dealing with several times now. Escorted said male off from job site and advised him which direction Washington was.

•The internet went down, so K72’s life stopped for a little while.

•Civil standby at 1 block of E Mill st. Cleared public assist.

•Traffic stop on 2000 block of McKinley Ave. Driver only had learners permit. Gave verbal about driving on a learner permit and had a licensed driver come get the vehicle. Cleared verbal.

•Traffic stop on E Market and S Division for expired registration. Driver’s license was expired, had registered owner (Ro) of vehicle come drive vehicle home since they had a valid license. Cleared verbal.

•Called to E. Market for possible stolen bike. Cleared unfounded.

•Traffic stop x4 on Station, Cameron, E. Idaho and Hill. Clear verbal.

•Patrolled Kellogg and Wardner.

•Report of illegal campfire up Wardner. I spoke with person responsible and fire was drowned out.

•Attempted to contact an individual for a landline request but was unable to get a hold of them.

•Assisted K75 with a fire on Main St, Wardner.

•Foot patrol on McKinley Ave, E. Portland and E. Idaho.

•Assisted County with a battery in Pinehurst.

•Assisted ISP with a traffic stop on Cameron Ave. which lead to an arrest.

•Dispatched to 600 block of Bunker Ave. regarding stalking event. Verbally warned the male subject to cease contact with female subject. Cleared with a report taken in case male subject continues contact.

•Motorist assist on I90 just past 51 on ramp eastbound. Cleared motorist assist.

•Mr. Transient had made his way back to Kellogg. Today he was at the water-park. He was acting like he does and freaked the staff out. He was trespassed from Silver Mt. He stated that he needed some help and was taken to SMC.

•Assist County with a female that was causing havoc in Wallace earlier in the day and had made her way to Kellogg this evening. Cleared assist.

•Called to the 500 block of 2nd St. The Reporting Party (Rp) stated that it looks like someone tried to use a coat hanger to get into their car. Entry was not made, but you could see the marks the hanger made on the door seal.

•Foot patrol in City Park, McKinley Ave, Railroad Ave, W. Park, Ohio St. & Bunker Ave.

•Traffic stop on the 600 block of Bunker Ave. Individual was from out of town attempting to find a hotel and missed the speed limit sign. Cleared verbal warning.

•Dispatched to the 500 block of W. Mission Ave for a verbal domestic. Upon arrival, parties were already separated from each other. Parties claimed the incident was only verbal between each other. Verbal warning was given for disturbing the peace.

•Assisted a resident on the 400 block of Bunker Ave. with requesting a visitor to leave the house. The visitor of the home decided to leave peacefully.

•Dispatched to a welfare check on an individual on Bunker Ave. County assisted and place the individual on a detox hold.

•Responded to SMC for an individual acting suspiciously in the parking lot (looking into cars in the parking lot.) Located the individual at the Silver Horn Motor Inn (turned out to be Mr. Transient). Verbally warned the individual to leave peoples things alone. Individual was trespassed from Silver Horn Motor inn.

•Dispatched to Silver Mountain for an individual trespassing (Mr. Transient decided it was a good idea to stroll through Silver Mt. after being trespassed earlier). Searched Silver Mt. but was unable to locate said individual(I spent all night tracking him, losing him, tracking him, and losing him).

•Suspicious person/circumstance 800 block of Bunker Ave. Reported as possible death. Arrived and the subject was not deceased, he was just sleeping. He was not supposed to be in the building either, nor was he supposed to be taking other people’s clothes. He was promptly arrested for Burglary (You guessed it. It was Mr. Transient).

•K77 was dispatched to 200 block of E. Riverside for theft of services. An adult female decided to use the home owner’s washer and dryer to do all of her laundry and steal some things while waiting for the cloths to dry. After a couple of attempts, located suspect and arrested for Petit theft, Theft of Services, Malicious Injury to Property and Unlawful Entry. Honestly, I don’t make this stuff up people.

•Found property 300 block of E. Cameron. After arriving and loading the items up, it was discovered further down the road where items were placed for pickup (taken out of a garage). K77 was still at the office and was summoned down with some of the property he recovered last night. We found the owner of most of the property and it was returned. New charge added for the laundry bandit.

•Paperwork to Courts and added charge at SCSO for current in-custody

•Setup time for vehicle maintenance x2.

•Inventory of new items obtained (more equipment arrived).

•Landline request regarding questions about Registered Sex Offenders. Spoke with subject on the phone and there is nothing criminal taking place. Unfounded.

•Traffic stop in front of the Fairbridge for speed. Verbal.

•Called to the 411 bunker apartments for a suicidal subject. Subject was not suicidal, someone else called in on his behalf without him knowing. While there investigated separate issue-Cleared bother unfounded.

•Citizen contact at S. Division and Main St. Clear NAT (Nessecary Action Taken).

•Citizen contact on station Ave. Clear NAT.

•Called to the 411 Bunker apartments for a welfare check. Subject was code 4.

•Assisted Medical at 405 West Brown Ave.

•Assisted K77 with unwanted subject, however while walking to the house, dispatch advised that the RP seemed to have dementia and that there was not actually an unwanted subject and that the male didn’t actually live in the 100 block of West Riverside. Cleared assist.

•Citizen contact on bike path of male looking to be sleeping on path, he was just stare gazing before work. Cleared.

•Landline request for welfare check. Passed on to oncoming shift as it will take place later in the day.

•Assisted K76 with a medical on Brown St.

•Dispatched to the 100 block of W. Riverside for an unwanted subject. Dispatch later discovered the male was suffering from dementia and there was no unwanted subject.

•Assisted County with a possible crash in Kingston. Searched the area and found no signs of a vehicle crash.

•Responded to a fire alarm on the 600 block of Bunker Ave. Turn out the alarm was set off by someone smoking.

•Welfare check 400 block of Bunker. Subject was contacted and all is well.

•Welfare check SMC parking lot. Older Geo Metro, male subject with child. Male subject may be intoxicated. Prior to arrival subject left on I90. K74 was not in position to intercept.

•Worked on removing the subject and RV from the old McConnell lot. Called the towing company that brought him here from CDA. Gave him information on Veterans’ assistance contact.

•Welfare check alley between Mullan and Mission 100 block W. Subject sleeping in vehicle. Contacted subject and he moved out of the house while it was being shown. Nothing further.

•Found property 200 block of W. Cameron. Property was disposed of.

Be happy, be safe. Enjoy the sunset.


KPD Roll Call Jan.3-10
Shoshone News-Press | Updated 7 years, 1 month ago
KPD Roll Call Dec.26-Jan.2
Shoshone News-Press | Updated 7 years, 2 months ago
KPD Roll Call Jan.23-30
Shoshone News-Press | Updated 7 years, 1 month ago


KPD Roll Call: Jan. 1-7
January 9, 2020 6:14 p.m.

KPD Roll Call: Jan. 1-7

•Called to Morning Star Lodge for domestic in progress. Upon arrival, discovered it was verbal only. Cleared peace restored.

KPD Roll Call: Dec. 26-31
January 2, 2020 6:15 p.m.

KPD Roll Call: Dec. 26-31

•Called to Silver Mountain for dog at large. Front desk found the owner prior to my arrival. Cleared, Necessary Action Taken (NAT).

KPD Roll Call: Feb. 26-March 4
March 5, 2020 5:42 p.m.

KPD Roll Call: Feb. 26-March 4

•Called to the 600 block of West Park for a domestic in progress, During the investigation a female was taken into custody. Cleared arrest.