Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Potbelly pigs out on freedom in C-Falls

Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 6 years, 2 months AGO
| December 19, 2018 3:00 AM

A potbelly pig — possibly the same one that was reported gallivanting on Generation Way the previous day — made the rounds to Tamarack Lane in Columbia Falls where someone found it and placed it in a corral, where it spent some time hanging out with a bull.

Not many people like cold showers and this probably includes a Kalispell teen’s older brother, who was yelling at him, upset that there was no hot water, according to the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office.

A blue semi-truck pulling a flatbed of corrugated metal was seen drifting across the centerline of U.S. 2 near West Glacier.

A man accidentally dialed 911 while jack-hammering concrete on Eagle Bend Drive in Bigfork.

A transport truck hauling a wrecked vehicle was losing parts, causing a road hazard on U.S. 93 in Kalispell.

Someone on Kirby Lane in Bigfork reported items stolen from their unlocked vehicle.

Two boys were allegedly “hot-rodding” through the area of Sixth Avenue in Kalispell by a woman who was unloading kids out of a car. She estimated they were going about 55 mph.

A father was allegedly assaulted by his 14-year-old and wanted him removed on U.S. 2 in Columbia Falls. Parties were separated.

Someone wanted deputies to check on the now infamous minivan with a sign that reads “stranded.” This time the minivan was seen on U.S. 93.

A woman was discovered passed out in a running pickup by an employee on U.S. in Kalispell. She reportedly had been that way for an hour. Someone attempted to wake her, but she wasn’t responding.

A man said the “very bright halogen lights” of a shipping business on U.S. 2 in Kalispell were shining on “his” neighborhood and wanted “something done about it.”

It wasn’t sunny on Shady Lane when someone who sounded intoxicated wanted to speak to a Kalispell Police Department officer, alleging that Flathead County Sheriff’s Office deputies were trying to kill him.

A later call came in from Shady Lane where a man said someone reportedly shot at him and 911 wasn’t protecting him. The man kept cussing, but didn’t reveal who supposedly shot at him before hanging up.

A 4-year-old strapped inside his car seat was laughing — probably because his guardian locked herself out of the vehicle.

Someone brought a child who wanted to meet a police officer to the Kalispell Police Department.

Garbage was reportedly piling up in the alleyway of a Ninth Avenue West and West Center Street. Mice were reportedly running around through the garbage. The complainant also noted a “broken-down shack” on the property. Police saw a mattress, one bag of garbage and a dishwasher and left a copy of the city’s garbage refuse ordinance. The officer advised the person lodging the complaint that not much could be done about the “shack” as it’s old, but not junk and looked to still be in use.

A vehicle covered in plastic food wrap, with condoms taped to it and inappropriate comments painted on it was discovered in a business parking lot on East Washington. It appeared to be a prank.

A housekeeper allegedly saw a shady drug deal go down in a back parking lot when they saw a “large amount of something” passed between a red vehicle and a white SUV. The registered owner of one vehicle reportedly had multiple warrants out of Flathead County Sheriff’s Office.

A man was either bold, stupid, desperate or drunk enough to reportedly try to break into a truck with the owner standing by it. The owner yelled at the individual who took off running. The owner thought the man may have been drinking because he was swerving while running.

Someone was fed up with a coach who allegedly parks in a handicapped spot, but is not handicapped.

A blanketed homeless woman was found moaning and groaning by security personnel on Claremont Street. A second call came in from a maintenance man on Bountiful Drive who asked police to check on the agitated woman who was not doing very well. Apparently, she reached a point of being just well enough to smash a window.