Community Notes
Valley Press-Mineral Independent | UPDATED 7 years, 1 month AGO
The Feb. 10 Community Pot Luck will feature Josh Stroot of the Forest Service, who will speak about the local fires of last summer and precautions for the spring runoff. Dinners will be held at the 4-H Building at the Mineral County Fair Grounds at 6:00 pm. Coffee and lemonade will be provided along with the plates, napkins and utensils so we ask those who participate to bring an entrée, dessert or salad to share. For more information, call 822-3545. The final speaker will be on March 10.
Forest Service seeks comments
The Lolo National Forest is asking for comments regarding the proposed Granite Creek Road Decommissioning Project located approximately 25 miles west of Lolo. These are non-system roads that were previously under the ownership of the Plum Creek Timber Company and are currently closed to motorized vehicles. Comment deadline is Feb. 12, 2018 and additional information can be found at website:
Lolo National Forest soliciting comments
The Lolo National Forest is soliciting comments on a proposal to salvage dead and dying trees on 250 acres burned by the Moose Peak Fire. Information available at the Lolo NF web site:
‘My Student in Need’ has 10 Alberton requests
My Student in Need is the brainchild of Dave Snuggs and his wife Karen Schaefer. It is a website that provides a private and nurturing way for teachers and faculty members to ask for help for a Student in Need.
It is also a way for the community to give back. The website,, has fulfilled over 1,500 need requests from 70 schools in Montana since its inception in Sept. 2013.
Currently the project serves over 130 schools across Montana and soon hopes to expand the program nationwide.
Currently there are 10 need requests for the Alberton Joint Schools. These include a 10th-grade girl who is 16 and needs proper dress attire to attend the Business Professionals of America State Competition in March.
She is in need of black pants, dress shirts and black dress shoes and seeks a donation total of up to $125. Any amount is welcome to get to her goal. Once funds are raised, My Student in Need will buy a gift card, and her teacher will take her shopping for items needed. The identification number is for this student is Alberton Joint School District #2737.
Another My Student in Need is a ninth-grade boy who is 14 and also needs proper dress attire for the Business Professionals of America State Competition. He needs black pants, dress shirts and black dress shoes and is also hoping for $125. The identification number for this student Alberton Joint School District #2741.
Donations can be made online or mailed to their office in Great Falls. Donations are also tax-deductible.
Fishery plan out for review
The state of Montana is seeking public input on a draft plan that priorities areas in the Upper Clark Fork River Basin for fish habitat protection and enhancement efforts that are funded by the Natural Resource Damage Program (NRDP).
The draft plan, jointly developed by Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) and the Montana Department of Justice’s NRDP, is an update to a 2011 plan that guides NRDP-funded fishery restoration efforts in the Upper Clark Fork. This updated plan considers progress and changes since the original plan was developed, additional information from ongoing fishery assessments, and new tributary needs and goals.
To review the draft, go to the NRDP website at; call 406-444-0205; or email The draft document can also be found on the FWP website at under “news” and then “recent public notices.”
Written comments are due by Wednesday, Feb. 14, and should be sent to NRDP, P.O. Box 201425, Helena, MT 59620-1425, faxed to 406-444-0236, or e-mailed to
Small business training in Helena
The Montana Department of Transportation, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise, and Small Business Enterprise Program along with Prospera Business Network and the Montana Women’s Business Center invite new, emerging and existing business owners to attend the Annual Small Business Summit in Helena on Feb. 6 at the Best Western Premier Helena Great Northern Hotel.
This free three-day event offers a variety of pertinent trainings and resources for small businesses, including motivational speakers, certifications, as well as trainings for human resources, QuickBooks, marketing, branding, workforce training, understanding your financials, understanding how the government can help your business, cyber security and more. Meals are also provided. For a full agenda please visit
Program works to train volunteer board members
MSU Extension Mineral County, Alberton Recycling and MCEDC are co-sponsoring a program called “Leading Local” to help train volunteer board members.
This program is a new program from Montana State University Local Government Center and is led by Tara Mastel, associate specialist of the MSU Extension Local Government Center. Mastel has been with the Local Government Center since 2015 and before served as the Community and Economic Development Extension Agent for Jefferson County. She assisted with the Horizon Program, of which Mineral County was a participating county.
The program will be held at the Alberton Community Center, Feb 10, 12-4. For cost and other registration information contact Emily Park at 822-3545.
Library Storytime
Alberton Library will hold Story Time on Fridays at 10 a.m. Library hours are Tues. and Thurs. 12:30 to 5 p.m.
Mineral County Library in Superior will hold Mother Moose Tales Reading Circle on Thurs. 11 to 11:30 a.m. for ages 0-3. Library hours are Mon.-Thurs. 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sat. 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m..
The St. Regis Community Library is open on Tues. and Thurs. 4:30-8:30 p.m. Sat. 10:00 a,m-1 p.m. Story Hour and Projects Tues. and Thurs. from 5-6 p.m. The library is located in the school.
Senior meals
St. Regis Senior Center serves lunch every Thursday at noon and on the fourth Monday of every month at 6 p.m. Feb. 5 special fundraiser featuring steak and potato plus drawing for a quilt; Feb. 7, sweet and sour chicken; Feb. 14, chicken fried steak; Feb. 23, hearty chili; Feb. 26, spaghetti and meatballs; Feb. 28, stuffed green peppers.
The Superior Senior Center is now serving free dinners to residents who are 90-years and older. They serve dinner every Wednesday starting at 4:30 p.m.
The Alberton Senior Center serves lunches on Tues. and Thurs. at noon.
Exercise room
St. Regis has a new exercise room, “The Tiger Power Fitness Center” open to the public with adult hours Tues. and Thurs. 4-6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-noon and Oula Exercise Classes Tues. and Thurs. 6-7 p.m.