RESPONSE: Definitely an AD man
Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 6 years, 6 months AGO
Mike Henggeler, The Press printed my letter for the same reason they printed Bob Ridout’s when he wrote that “killing millions of American citizens on the West Coast with a nuclear attack would be a win.” It’s called the First Amendment.
I am tired of AD HOC Republicans who sermonize over their agenda. If you want to preach a sermon on letter writing that’s fine, but you should get all sides of the story (“I don’t know Lee Gibson NOR WHAT HE SAID“) before trashing my letter. Gibson’s letter was the typical Trumper’s (as you put it, AD HOMINEM) response to any criticism of Trump, AD NAUSEAM, when they can’t dispute the FACTS. AD FEMINAM Republicans make fun of women instead of listening to what they say. Gibson personally attacks the writers and resorts to name calling, as well as making fun of people exposed to Agent Orange. Talk about hateful and pointless, AD INFINITUM!
I agree my latest submission was a bit “colorful.” In fact, my wife even said it sounded like one of Trump’s tweets without the spelling errors.
You know, most of Mr. Henggeler’s letter does sound like he is talking about Trump. You can call me ignorant, a moron, etc., but the worst thing is being compared to someone who takes children from their parents and puts them in cages, steals money from veterans and takes from his own charity, praises Putin and other dictators, trashes our allies, hurts us with imposed AD VALOREM tariffs, etc., etc., etc. To me, that’s the lowest form of human existence on earth.
P.S. Harley Davidson is just the beginning!