Legals July 9, 2018
Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 6 years, 6 months AGO
STATE OF WASHINGTON Irrigated Agriculture Lease No. 12-E68703 10 Year Lease Term Department of Natural Resources (DNR) offers for lease at Sealed Bid Public Auction a tract of land containing 486.45 acres, more or less, in portions of Section 36, Township 19 North, Range 25 East, W.M., Grant County, Washington lying south of the WSDOT right of way for Interstate 90, containing 430 irrigated agriculture acres. Annual Rent will be $144,050.00. Lease covenants may be examined at the Grant County Courthouse in Ephrata, DNR Southeast Region Office located at 713 Bowers Rd, Ellensburg, WA 98926, or the office of the Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia, WA. Sealed Bid Auction will be held at the DNR's Southeast Region office on August 16, 2018 at 2:15 pm. For a bidder's qualification packet call (509) 925-0912. HILARY S. FRANZ, Commissioner of Public Lands #07023/207162 Pub: July 9, 2018
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Directors of Moses Lake School District No. 161 in the school district Board Room at the Central Washington Region Transportation Cooperative, 940 E. Yonezawa Blvd., Moses Lake, Washington for construction of the MOSES LAKE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 161 ADMINISTRATION OFFICE as follows: Contractors shall submit their sealed proposals up until 5:00 pm, July 25, 2018. Sealed proposals shall include both the Base Bid and Alternate Bid(s). Proposals received after time set for opening will not be considered. Bids will be opened and publicly read immediately after the final submittal deadline. Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the following offices: Moses Lake School District, Moses Lake; NAC Architecture, Spokane; Abadan Reprographics, Spokane; Builders Exchange of Washington, Everett; Daily Journal of Commerce, Seattle; McGraw Hill Plan Center, Spokane; Ridgeline Graphics (Wenatchee Plan Center), Wenatchee; Spokane Regional Plan Center, Spokane; Associated Builders and Contractors, Spokane; Associated General Contractors, Spokane; Tri-City Construction Council, Kennewick; Walla Walla Valley Plan Center, Walla Walla; Yakima Plan Center, Yakima. Refundable hardcopy sets of drawings and specifications may be obtained only by ordering through the printer - Abadan Reprographics at the "NAC Architecture Plan Room" website, - by and for bona fide Washington licensed bidders upon deposit of $200.00 per complete set (make checks payable to NAC Architecture and mail to Abadan Reprographics, 603 East 2nd Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202). Deposit will not be returned if documents are mutilated or so marked that they are not reusable and/or if they are not returned to the Architect within ten (10) days after bids are received. Additional or partial sets may be purchased at the bidder's expense (not refundable) at or another plan center of the bidder's choosing. Bidders wishing to be formally listed as a plan holder must log in and choose "Add me as a Plan Holder" at, where a current plan holder list is continually posted. Any questions regarding shall be directed to Abadan Reprographics, 509-747-2964 or Pre-Bid Conference: A Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled for July 11 at 2:00 pm and held at the project site located at 1620 S. Pioneer way, Moses Lake, Washington. No bidder may withdraw its bid after hour set for opening thereof, unless award is delayed for a period exceeding 90 days. The Board of Directors of Moses Lake School District No. 161 reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities. By Order of the Board of Directors Moses Lake School District No. 161 #07013/205504 Pub: July 2, 9, 2018