Community Notes
Valley Press-Mineral Independent | UPDATED 6 years, 8 months AGO
Are you ready for the Mineral County “Smokin’ Hot” Fair? It is just around the corner!
Open class exhibits are the center of attraction for fair goers. Time to finish up your afghan, organize those special photos, plump out the tomatoes, or assemble the fixings for the family’s favorite pie. Competition comes from all around the county in just about every category known. To learn more about open class exhibiting, check out the free fair book located at merchants around the county.
Special premium cash awards are bestowed on the finest open class entries through the generosity of various businesses and individuals. There is still time to contribute to the special premium fund by sending a check to Mineral County Fair, Box 70, Superior, MT 59872.
Last year, there was bouncy ball fun for kids, and this year the bouncy fun has exploded into more activities — thanks to a new vendor from the Northwest.
And, of course, there is the “Smokin’ Hot” Raffle, sponsored by the fair board members, each of whom will be selling tickets at the Aug. 2-4 event.
Don’t forget about the Saturday parade, the quilters’ exhibits at the multi-purpose room, the talent show, the 4-H projects and much more. Live music will be featured during the days, and the Lions Club Rodeo entertains on Friday and Saturday nights. Watch for the three-day event schedule coming out soon. Questions? Call the extension office at 822-3545, or Deb at 822-3302.
Alberton Railroad Day July 21
July 21 is the Annual Railroad Day Celebration in Alberton. There will be a pancake breakfast, parade, kids games, music, petting zoo, and much more. Visit for information.
St. Regis School sets reunion July 21
St. Regis will hold its All-Class Reunion on July 21 with a Saturday potluck starting at 11 a.m. in the community park. There will also be a breakfast on Sunday at 9 a.m. at the St. Regis School. Volunteers are needed. Call Ron Forest at (406) 678-4255.
Senior Center dinners and lunches
Superior Senior Center serves free dinners to residents who are 90 years old and older. Dinner is every Wednesday starting at 4:30 p.m.
St. Regis Senior Center meals in July will start at a new time of 5:30 p.m. on Thursdays, and on the fourth Monday of every month. This month menu is: July 12, Turkey; July 16, Beef Kabobs; July 19, Twice baked potatoes; and July 26, Taco Bar.
The Alberton Senior Center serves lunches on Tuesday and Thursday at noon.