Community Notes
Valley Press-Mineral Independent | UPDATED 6 years, 8 months AGO
With temps in the 90s forest service officials have raised the Fire Danger Rating to high, meaning any fire start has a high chance of quickly becoming widespread. They have closed Outdoor Burning by Permit. All burn permits for yard debris, agriculture and wildland burning are now invalid. Campfires are still allowed in proper fire rings.
Mineral County ‘Smokin’ Hot’ Fair coming on Aug. 2-4
The Mineral County Fair will be held Aug. 2-4 in Superior with a Saturday parade, the quilters’ exhibits at the multi-purpose room, a talent show, 4-H projects and much more. Live music will be featured during the days, and the Lions Club Rodeo entertains Friday and Saturday nights. Watch for the three-day event schedule coming out soon. Questions? Call the extension office at 822-3545, or Deb at 822-3302.
Bike raffle
Living Water Bible Study will once again raffle off bikes and fishing poles during the Mineral County Fair on Saturday, Aug. 4 at 3 p.m. Kids can get free tickets during the fair parade or at 2:45 p.m. on Saturday in front of the band stand where the raffle will be held.
Alberton Railroad Day July 21
July 21 is the Annual Railroad Day Celebration in Alberton. There will be a pancake breakfast, parade, kids games, music, petting zoo and much more. Visit for information.
St. Regis School reunion July 21
St. Regis will hold its All-Class Reunion on July 21 with a Saturday potluck starting at 11 a.m. in the community park. There will also be a breakfast on at 9 a.m. Sunday at the St. Regis School. Volunteers are needed. Call Ron Forest at (406) 678-4255.
August 7 STAC meeting set
Superior Technical Assistance Committee (STAC) coordinator Steve Ackerlund reported that progress is being made in several areas of the Flat Creek Iron Mountain Mine EPA Superfund project.
A USFS drinking water well was drilled a few weeks ago and a good flow was found. Water samples have been sent to a lab and results should be available by the next meeting date. Bob Wintergerst with the Forest Service is currently working to complete plans for fixing spring runoff damage that occurred earlier this spring. He is also completing plans for designs for tailings removals and repository expansion.
DEQ also has plans to address spring runoff damage, and is evaluating options for additional removal downstream adjacent to private properties.
“Meeting at high summer can be tough on schedules, but is necessary in this case if we wish to hear and comment on plans before work in late August-September,” Ackerlund commented in a recent email.
A meeting is scheduled for Aug. 7 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. with the location yet to be determined, depending on attendance.
Respond to Ackerlund at 406-461-6354 or if you plan to attend.
St. Regis Community Council election results
Election results from the St. Regis Community Council elections held on Tuesday, July 10 were: president, John Cheesman for a two-year term; vice president, Barb Gillott for a one-year remainder of term; secretary, Glenn Koepke for a two-year term; and at-large, George Bailey for a two-year term. One vacancy remains for a two-year at-large position with volunteers requested to be appointed at a subsequent regular monthly meeting.
Kids eat free (and adults, too!)
Kids and adults eat free at Alberton High School until July 26 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from noon to 1 p.m. This program is sponsored by the Missoula Food Bank and community center.
Farmers Markets
The Alberton Farmers Market is held every Thursday from 5 to 8 p.m. in the Community Center parking lot.
The Superior Farmers Market is held every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon on River Street until Sept. 26.
Senior meals
Superior Senior Center serves free dinners to residents who are 90 years old and older. Dinner is every Wednesday starting at 4:30 p.m.
St. Regis Senior Center meals in July will start at a new time of 5:30 p.m. on Thursdays, and on the fourth Monday of every month. This month menu is: July 19, twice baked potatoes; and July 26, taco bar.
The Alberton Senior Center serves lunches each Tuesday and Thursday at noon.
Becoming an Outdoors-Woman workshop Aug. 3-5
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks’ popular Becoming an Outdoors-Woman (BOW) program will host a weekend workshop Aug. 3-5 at Birch Creek Civilian Conservation Corps Camp near Dillon.
Women are encouraged to sign up with a friend and learn a new activity or improve existing skills. Participants get to choose four of these activities: hiking, backpacking, survival skills, how to use a map and compass, bird identification, plant identification, sausage making and more!
Anyone 18 years of age or older may participate. This is a popular workshop and will fill quickly, so register today! To download the registration form visit the FWP website at, click “Education,” then click “Becoming an Outdoors Woman.” For more information, call Sara Smith at 406-444-9948 or email