Legals June 13, 2018
Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 6 years, 7 months AGO
Notice of Application and Proposed MDNS June 13, 2018 Notice is hereby given that Grant County has received a SEPA checklist from the Port of Warden (Designated Contact: Paul Weber, 1401 E. Trent Ave, Suite 101, Spokane, WA 99202) and determined this application to be technically complete on 6/5/18. Grant County expects to issue a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance for this proposal, and the Optional DNS Process in WAC 197-11-355 is being used. This proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes, and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal and the proposed mitigation measures. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination may be obtained upon request. MITIGATION: 1) Utilize Best Management Practices to limit fugitive dust during construction activities. 2) Utilize Best Management Practices to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts. DESCRIPTION: Construction of approximately 4,900 lineal feet of new rail car capacity adjacent to existing tracks. The project will include the excavation of approximately 17,300 cu. Yrds., fill of approximately 6,030 cu. Yrds, and approximately 4,500 cu. Yrds of new "Track Ballast." PERMITS REQUIRED: Grading Permit. STUDIES REQUIRED: None. LOCATION: The project site is located on the rail line south of Warden. The parcel is situated in Sections 21 and 16, Township 17 N., Range 30 E., W.M., Grant County, WA. Parcel #s 18-1079-002 & 06-1713-417. Copies of the application materials (File # P18-0169) are available from Grant County Development Services (Tyler Lawrence), 264 West Division Avenue - PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA, (509) 754-2011 ext. 2501; Front Office Hours are 8am-12pm and 1pm-5pm, Monday-Friday. Public comments must be submitted by June 27, 2018 to Grant County Development Services. All comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed, hand delivered, or sent via email. Any person has the right to comment, receive notice, participate in hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the above listed materials. #06022/198142 Pub: June 13, 2018
The Port of Royal Slope REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS The Port of Royal Slope is requesting Statement of Qualification from qualified professionals for consulting services and for services related to planning of 430 acres in an industrial park. If interested, please go to for information. #06017/197300 Pub: June 6, 13, 2018