VVES Newsletter
Bonners Ferry Herald | UPDATED 7 years AGO
The students and staff at Valley View Elementary School (VVES) are enjoying this time of year and preparing for a very exciting and busy second half of the year. We have many educational field trips, an overnight Outdoor School event, field days, plant sales, carnivals, Dr. Suess Week and much more. It is an enjoyable time for our hard-working staff and terrific students as we prepare for the hope of spring.
With that said, every month at VVES we celebrate a different character trait and get the opportunity to highlight our wonderful students. This month we celebrated the character trait of fairness and the following students were highlighted by their teachers. They are: Aubrey Rozok, Willow Graham, Aliyah Falck, Brydin Weymer, Weston Cartwright-Kissee, Asa Wehner, Marley Pauls, Sean Richards, Peyton Malizia, Kendall Thorne, Madisen Faulconer, Talya Galbraith, Kayleigh Arceneaux, Josie Cartwright, Miley Fleck, Hayden Hazdovac, and Ayla Adams.
Mrs. Petesch, our PE teacher, is encouraging all families to exercise together and participate in the Family Fitness Challenge. This month’s winner is Mary Moon and she won a new football. Congratulations Mary! If you would like more information regarding this great program please check out Mrs. Petesch’s PE link on our school website.
We are starting our Jump Rope for Heart program with the kindergarten, first and second graders this week. Our school wide event will be held on February 28 at the Valley View gym from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Please consider joining us for exercise, snacks, and prizes.
Our third, fourth, and fifth graders are participating in the Hoops for Heart program this year and enjoying it immensely. If you would like more information about these please contact the school.
Please know that VVES is always looking for qualified substitute teachers who enjoy students and making a real difference in the life of another person. Please contact the district office if you are interested in the possibilities of subbing. In addition, we always encourage visitors and volunteers at VVES and hope that you get the chance to assist the teachers in the classroom when you can. Please note you are always welcome and we encourage you to be a part of your child’s day.
VVES is a busy place and we have a lot of great things going on within our school. Please check our website for the most current information: http://www.vves-bcsd-id.schoolloop.com
Nathan Williams
VVES Principal