GUNS: Thinly veiled bigotry
Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 6 years, 11 months AGO
Wow! “Virtue signaling.” All one has to do to let the world know how virtuous you are, whether an individual, or a company, is to select your target group and castigate them. There are 5 million NRA members and millions more gun owners who don’t belong to NRA. They are not criminals of any stripe.
We are told not to judge all Muslims for the actions of a few nut cases, yet we are told to judge all gun owners for the actions of a few nut cases. There is a word for those who judge an entire group of people based upon one characteristic: bigot. Unreasonably hate black people, white people, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, gun owners, homeless people, wealthy people? Bigot.
And now companies feel free to discriminate against a whole class of innocent people, gun owners and gun related companies in their rush to be politically correct. Bigots. Why don’t you just hang a sign on your door saying any of the foregoing and more not welcome? Oh, yea, that would be offensive, as well as illegal.
So much for Martin Luther King’s efforts. Easier to be self-righteous and to revel in one’s own ignorance. Too hard to judge a person by the person, let’s just pick a whole group to ATTACK, because we are so GOOD, and they are so EVIL. Go study a little more history so that next time you look in the mirror you’ll recognize Adolf when you see him there, moronic bunch of Fascists.