This Week In Bonners Ferry History
Bonners Ferry Herald | UPDATED 6 years, 10 months AGO
100 Years Ago
Open Bids for State Roads between B.F. and the Bonner Co. line including bridges and for iron and vitrified pipe and culverts were opened last Friday. H.H. Boomer Co. of Spokane submitted a bid of $57,359.30 for road work. O.H. Campbell of B.F. submitted a proposition to do the road work on a cost plus basis. Engineer Allen stated that just recently the State Highway Commission had made a regulation that here after all roads taken over by the state must be hard surfaced. This would add $36,400 to the estimated cost of $57,000 and would be prohibitive.
Mrs. W.S. Fitterer of Spring Glade Ranch in the Leonia District shot and killed a large timber wolf. Mrs. Fitterer is proud of her rifle shooting and also glad to rid the district of a pest. The hide is being tanned and will be used as a rug.
Osh Kosh Bigosh Best Union made overalls are available at Brown’s Dept. Store – all sizes from 2 year olds to 46” waist. They also have a full line of shoes arriving from baby sizes to No. 11 men’s size. They will buy your eggs, hay, grain and cedar posts.
50 Years Ago
Work has been under way for a month by Madden Construction Company on the long awaited installation of a bridge over the Kootenai River near Copeland.
Don Howe, Boundary County wheat farmer and president of Western Wheat Associates will leave Sunday for Washington D.C. to attend a special breakfast next Wednesday for member of Congress and some top leaders of U.S. wheat producing groups.
Kenneth English was elected president of the Boundary County Sportsmen’s Association at the annual meeting Monday night with 21 members and three guests present.
Public notice appears elsewhere in this week’s Herald that the Boundary County TV Translator Association, Inc. has filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission for construction of an educational broadband translator to be located on Black Mtn.
15 Years Ago
At 85, Eveline Ruhberg spends five days a week, spring and summer, tending to 100 year old photos, dusting antique furniture, and delicately arranging tools, dishes, clothing, and books from a long-gone Boundary County. For the last 16 years, she’s been taking care of the Boundary County Free Museum. This year she hopes she’ll get some help on Fridays.
Mel Still of R-Store is bringing Bonners Ferry low priced merchandize again with “The Dollar Store & More” – the only dollar store in town. The grand opening is March 13 and 14, in the same blue building near Safeway where R-Store began three years ago.