Sunday, March 23, 2025

DOS opens season at fairgrounds this weekend

Dennis L. Clay Herald Columnists | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 6 years, 10 months AGO
by Dennis L. Clay Herald ColumnistsGARNET WILSON
| May 18, 2018 1:00 AM

This is the opening Weekend of Columbia Basin Dutch Oven Society. The group is having their opening weekend of Dutch oven season at the North Campground, behind the fair office, of the Grant County Fairgrounds. The public is welcome, there is no charge.

This group is always anxious to show others the joy of Dutch oven cooking. Saturday is expected to be dedicated to long-time member the late Bob Ottmar.

Contact Art Russell, at 509-760-0848, or Nancy Johnson, 509-760-0465, with questions.

Hunt permit deadline May 23

Next Wednesday, May 23, is the 2018 special hunt permit application deadline for deer, elk, mountain goat, moose, bighorn sheep and turkey. It is time to acquire the 2018 Big Game Hunting Seasons & Regulations pamphlet and study it.

This is not a 10-minute process, but requires scrutiny. For example, there are Quality Deer Hunts, Buck Deer Hunts, Antlerless Deer Hunts, Second Deer Hunts, Youth Deer Hunts, Deer Hunters 65 and Over Hunts, Deer Hunters with Disabilities Hunts and Master Hunter Deer Hunts. Remember these are permits just for deer. There are more permits to submit for elk, moose and bighorn sheep.

The permit application cost is $7.10 or $13.70 depending upon the species.

No one is required to apply for a permit, but the permits provide a chance at an antlerless deer or a second deer, etc. This is where the studying is required. Plus, each permit may allow four hunt choices.

Raffle permit hunts

In addition to the special permit application, Fish and Wildlife offers hunters a chance to apply for raffle permit hunts. The deadline is July 15.

The cost is $6 a ticket for deer, elk, moose and mountain goat. A bighorn sheep ticket will cost $11.50. There is no limit on the number of tickets a hunter may purchase.

There are many combinations of raffle permits, such as the North-Central Washington Big Game permit. This allows the winner to tag three of the following big game species: One additional buck white-tailed deer, one additional buck mule deer, one additional cougar, one additional black bear and one California bighorn sheep. This is a lot of hunting, folks.

Dennis note: I usually buy mule deer tickets, white-tailed deer tickets, Eastside elk tickets and moose tickets. The season for these species is Sept. 1 through Dec. 31. If selected, any legal weapon may be used during the hunt.


Hunting pamphlet requires study
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 11 years, 10 months ago
Continued study of big game pamphlet helpful
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 11 years, 10 months ago
Raffle ticket deadline July 15
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 10 years, 8 months ago


September 11, 2019 9:54 p.m.

2019 hunting prospects continued

This is the second of several columns containing 2019 hunting prospects.

Opening day prospects continued
April 4, 2019 1 a.m.

Opening day prospects continued

This is the second in a series of columns about the fishing prospects in Columbia Basin lakes.

Commission meeting includes pronghorn report
January 11, 2019 midnight

Commission meeting includes pronghorn report

The Fish and Wildlife Commission will meet tomorrow and Saturday in Olympia. The meeting will take place in Room 172 of the Natural Resources Building, 1111 Washington St. SE, Olympia. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. Friday and at 8 a.m. Saturday.