Community Notes
Valley Press-Mineral Independent | UPDATED 6 years, 9 months AGO
This year the Superior Lions Club is seeking applications for both a 2018 Junior Rodeo Princess and Rodeo Princess. The Junior Rodeo Princess will serve along with the selected Rodeo Princess and this year’s Rodeo Queen Madison Hill. The Go for the Gold Rodeo will be held during the 2018 Mineral County Fair scheduled for Aug. 3-4.
The competition for both the Junior Rodeo Princess and Rodeo Princess is open to all Mineral County young women between the ages of 13 and 20, who have been a resident of the county for at least 6 months. Applicants must show evidence of involvement in community service and will be tested on horsemanship skills and knowledge.
The winning candidate for Rodeo Princess will receive $50 cash and a $50 gift certificate to Mountain West Co-Op (Cenex) to help defray the cost of her outfit. The 2018 Junior Rodeo Princes, and Rodeo Princess will each receive a custom handmade sash from world renowned sash maker Wendy Russ. The winner in the Junior Rodeo Princess competition will advance to Princess next year and Queen the year following.
This year’s Rodeo Queen Madison Hill will receive $200 check and a $50 gift certificate from Cenex. Both the queen and the princess will receive genuine silver crowns, made by Montana Silversmiths, donated by Lincoln’s Silver Dollar Bar.
The deadline to apply for Superior Lions Rodeo Junior Princess 2018 is June 20. Applications can be picked up at the following locations: Alberton Feed & Supply, 203 Railroad, Alberton, 722-1200; Castles Market, Superior; Idaho Forest Group 126 Hwy 135, St. Regis.
For questions or more information, call Shawn Heyer, Home # 822-4553 Cell (406) 241-3678. E-mail
Comment open for Community Wildfire Protection Plan
On Friday May 25th the Mineral County Commissioners met to review a draft of the County’s 2018 Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) update. At that meeting the County Commissioners voted to move the process forward by opening a thirty (30) day public review and comment period.
The public comment period will end on Monday, June 25th at 5:00 P.M. After the close of the public comment period the Mineral County Commissioners will review comments received and take additional in-person comments at a public hearing on Thursday, June 28th at 11:00 A.M in the County Commissioners meeting room at 300 River Street, Superior, MT 59872. At the public hearing the County Commissioners will vote whether to adopt the draft 2018 CWPP update.
The County’s draft 2018 CWPP update is available at the Mineral County Planning Department at 300 River Street, Superior, MT 59872 and on the County’s website at Comments can be submitted via mail to the Mineral County Planning Department (300 River Street, Superior, MT 59872) or email at
Car show will be held on June 1-2
The Old Schoolhouse Rock Car Show will be held on June 1 and 2 in Superior. Early registration will be from 1 to 5 p.m. on Friday, followed by a cruise up to the hospital with a 7 p.m. Sock-hop at the Old School Gym. On Sat. registration is from 7 a.m. to noon, with 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. show and shine. 9 a.m. is the annual Ball Drop Raffle and fifty/fifty raffle until 3:30. A Poker Walk will be held from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. with an awards ceremony at 3:30 p.m. Food, and vendors all day long with music by Johnny T’s Time Machine.
Route of the Hiawatha bike trail opened May 26
The Route of the Hiawatha is a scenic mountain bike trail that runs along the Old Milwaukee Railroad bed. The Lookout Pass Ski and Recreational area offers bikes, and shuttles for the 15 mile trek starting May 26 and runs until Sept. 23. Visit for details.
Author Cheryl J. Heser at book signing on May 31
There will be a presentation and book signing with the author of “Walking at the Speed of Light” Cheryl L. Heser at the Mineral County Library in Superior on May 31 at 3 p.m.
Pool in the Park fundraiser June 8
There will be a fundraiser for the new pool in the Eva Horning Park on June 8 with a BBQ and Bingo. Dinner starts at 5 p.m. with bingo at 6 p.m. It will be held at the Mineral County Fair Grounds.
Meals for seniors
—Superior Senior Center serves free dinners to residents who are 90 years old and older. Dinner is every Wednesday starting at 4:30 p.m.
—St. Regis Senior Center serves lunch every Thursday at noon and on the fourth Monday of every month at 6 p.m. May 31 is Beef and Weenie Casserole, St. Regis Senior meals: June 7 is Pork Loin; June 14 is Swiss Steak; June 21 is Corn Beef Hash; June 25 is Teriyaki Beef (bingo?); June 28 is Chicken Fettuccini.
—The Alberton Senior Center serves lunches on Tues. and Thurs. at noon.
Vote on June 5
Don’t forget to vote in the primary election held on June 5.