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Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 6 years, 7 months AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, ID 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
May 31, 1968 — CHAPEL PLANNED
Plans to construct a non-denominational chapel at Schweitzer Basin ski area have been revealed.
Ken Piatt, Sandpoint, general chairman of the fund drive said the need for a chapel has become pressing. With a seating capacity of 140, the chapel will be owned by Schweitzer Basin which has agreed the building will not be converted to other uses in the future.
Serving as directors of the Chapel Fund are William S. Buteaux, Rev. O’Schlim, S.J. and Dwight Alden, all of Spokane; Robert M. Pace, Bonners Ferry; Mrs. Edward Hamacher, Colburn, and Rev. Fred A. Rarden, First Methodist church, Ross Hall, Mrs. J. M. Brown, Jr., Jim Parsons and Terry Merwin, all of Sandpoint.
Senior class officers for next year will be Bill Gee, president, Don Gollen, vice president and Cory Moon, secretary-treasurer.
Next year’s Cedar Post staff will be Donna Brown, editor-in-chief, Marcia Sodorff and Linda Colby, editors; Larry Gilstad, sports editor; Kay Kincaid, photographer; and Virginia Long, business editor.
Next year the SHS newspaper will be the only weekly high school newspaper in Idaho according to Mr. Hamilton, journalism instructor.
100 Years Ago
Northern Idaho News
All cows found picketed on sidewalks or so they can range over the walks will be impounded. S.E. YOUNG, Chief Police.
A total eclipse of the sun will be visible in Idaho the afternoon of June 8, if weather permits. The eclipse will be visible from the Pacific to the Atlantic coast. For an hour the moon will gradually move across the sun’s disc, until daylight fades. This extremely unusual spectacle will last approximately two minutes. Then the crescent of the sun will appear on the other side of the moon, and after another hour the full disc of the sun will shine as before.
This extraordinary event occurs at one place on an average of only three times in 1000 years.
The usual form of service of the Methodist church was departed from last Sunday night, the occasion being the patriotic farewell talk of the Rev. M.L. Sanders, who leaves the city shortly for overseas duty with the army Y.M.C.A. forces.
Before the close of the service, the dedication of the church service flag was made with thirty-one members of the congregation, in turn, pinning a blue star on the field of white, in all cases either by a relative or friends who told where the man or men they were representing were now detailed on duty.
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