Cougar Fire closure rescinded
Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 6 years, 3 months AGO
The Idaho Panhandle National Forests has rescinded the roads, trails and area closure for the Cougar Fire on the Sandpoint Ranger District. The construction closure is still in place for the Lightning Creek Road No. 419 from milepost nine, north of the East Fork bridge, to milepost 14 north of Rattle Creek bridge, and Auxor Road No. 489 to the junction with the No. 419 road, on the west side of Wellington Bridge.
The Wellington and Rattle Creek bridges have been repaired and replaced. The contractor is finishing up the running surface at Rattle Creek and the guard rail at Wellington. Additional work includes repairing the box culverts, hauling aggregate for surfacing, and grading and shaping the road. The work is scheduled to be completed by Oct. 24.
Although the Cougar Fire area is now open to the public, visitors should watch for potential hazards in burned areas. Visitors are reminded that heavy equipment may be encountered. For additional information, please contact the Sandpoint Ranger Station at (208) 263-5111.