Avista to host energy fair in Coeur d'Alene
Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 6 years, 4 months AGO
Area residents can learn about energy efficiency, managing their home energy bills and more at the free Avista Energy Fair. It will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 17 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Silver Lake Mall, 200 W. Hanley Ave.
The event will include demonstrations and free energy-saving items to help keep homes comfortable during the winter months ahead.
People who attend the Avista Energy Fair will find the following benefits:
- Demonstrations of how to install energy efficiency materials like window plastic and v-seal. They will also receive free samples of these items in an energy kit to install at home.
- Complimentary food and door prizes.
- Visit with Avista staff to learn about various energy saving tips.
Avista’s community partners will be on hand to provide information about services and resources they provide to the community, including: Panhandle Health District Senior Companions, Community Action Partnership, BankOn, Idaho Legal Services, Experience Works, Idaho Department of Insurance SHIBA, St. Vincent de Paul, Family Promise, Area Agency on Aging of North Idaho, Heritage Health, Debt Reduction Services Inc., and Goodwill Industries.
“There are multiple ways to conserve energy and save on heating costs during the winter. At our energy fair subject matter experts and agency partners are available to address your questions and provide demonstrations to support your energy efficiency goals,” said Patty Shea, Avista’s regional business manager for Coeur d’Alene.
To see the details and locations of Avista energy fairs visit myavista.com/outreach. Avista will make every effort to provide reasonable accommodations requested for individuals with disabilities. If accommodations are needed, please contact Lisa Lee at Avista in advance of the event: 509-495-8024 or email AvistaOutreach@avistacorp.com.