Election mail bag Oct. 14
Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 6 years, 3 months AGO
Brodehl will make excellent commissioner
Flathead County Commissioner candidate Randy Brodehl will watch over the county budget, protect property rights and advocate for public safety. He brings 8 years of experience as a Montana State Representative. As a legislator he served on many committees and opposed the CSKT Water Compact.
Throughout his life Randy has shown his commitment to serving his community and will make as excellent commissioner.
Vote Randy Brodehl for Flathead County Commissioner on Nov. 6.
— Pam Holmquist is a Flathead County commissioner
Anti-gun candidates
Congressional candidate Kathleen Williams supports more gun control. The Democrat boasts that, “If the NRA wants to give me an F for that, then I will proudly… say that F means “fearless.’”
Meanwhile, Flathead Democratic commissioner candidate Tom Clark supports Ms. Williams. In his Facebook page, Mr. Clark states that he wants to “help re-establish the Democratic Party at the local level in Flathead County” to help elect statewide Democratic candidates such as Ms. Williams.
In other words, Mr. Clark champions anti-gun candidates.
If you support the Second Amendment, please vote against Ms. Williams and Mr. Clark.
— Elliot Adams
Williams soft-spoken, direct
I did not vote for Kathleen Williams in the Montana Democratic primary, but when I attended a meet and greet held for her in Whitefish recently, she won me over.
She is soft-spoken, yet direct. She’s as concise as she is precise. There is not a hint of hyperbole, blaming, fear mongering, or anger that you see from, well, certain conservative politicians. She is kind and compassionate, but she’s no-nonsense. I recognize a genuine public service ethic when I see it, and Kathleen has it.
I clicked on her web site and read her white paper on health care. It cites statistics and facts, and lays out a thoughtful and reasoned approach to offering REAL health insurance to more Americans at lower prices and with better access to health care when they need it. Her proposals are by no means “Medicare for all” as the Greg Gianforte campaign claims.
The distinctions between Kathleen and Mr. Gianforte could not be more clear. When Kathleen wants to find out how the economy is working, she asks working people. Mr. Gianforte asks business owners and backers. He’s a multi-millionaire and is more comfortable dealing with people of extreme wealth and privilege like himself.
Kathleen engages members of the public, listens, and respects them----just as she did during the entire Whitefish event. Mr. Gianforte is famous for scheduling meetings on topics like forest health, then ducking stakeholders attending the meeting if he thinks their views and values will be different than his own. In addition, the Gianforte campaign continues to spread falsehoods about Kathleen’s positions on issues such as the Second Amendment, border security, and sanctuary cities, of which there are none in Montana.
The wealthy and powerful are already well-represented in Washington. They have lobbyists as well as the politicians they have bought and paid for. Please join me in electing a representative for the rest of us — let’s send Kathleen Williams to Congress.
— Robert Horne Jr., Whitefish
Tester comes from this land
Politics aside, we need Senator Tester for reasons that have little to do with party affiliation.
We tend to see our elections as we see the local football game—we want our team to win. But our democracy is not about winning; our democracy is about representing all of us. For that to happen, we need a loyal opposition. Domination is not representation. With so few elected representatives to cover our vast landscape with its varied social perspectives, we need people who know us, who know their first responsibility is to us, to all of us, not just to those who wear their team colors.
Senator Tester comes from this land, from its history, from its culture, from its people. He understands the role that geography and weather play in our lives and economy, from our drought-prone prairies to fire-prone forests, from our spacious rural areas to our rapidly growing cities. He knows what the abuses in our history did to our state and its people, with effects that we face today. That kind of understanding does not come from briefly residing within our borders; it comes from hearing the stories of parents and grandparents, from seeing neighbors dealing with winter snows and sudden hail storms, seeing their children in neighborhood schools, watching them graduate, then wondering what opportunities this state will offer them.
Effectiveness in the Senate does not lie simply by being in the majority. It lies also with seniority. As with any job, it takes time to learn the ropes. It takes time to develop relationships, earn respect, and rise to leadership. Montanans have established that with our senior senator, Jon Tester. Regardless of political affiliation, we build on that seniority and that power to effectively represent our needs when we re-elect him.
— Eileen Bech, Kalispell
Rosendale supports Trump agenda
Recently there has been a lot of negative and untrue things being said about Matt Rosendale in newspapers articles, TV Ads and in a number of letters to the editor.
Once you get over the media hype, you can see that Rosendale represents our Montana values better than Senator Jon Tester. Tester is a master of saying one thing and doing another, just look at his record. That is not the Montana way. Tester says he is aligned with the Trump agenda and Montana’s best interest – yet he votes down the line with the Democrat leaders in Washington. Just look at his record on issues such as tax cuts, reform of health care, public land use, and many other issues. Tester has been swallowed up by the “Washington Swamp.”
As a retired military service member, I served in Washington for over 11 years and two tours, and I saw the swamp at work close up. It is time to replace Tester with someone new who will have the opportunity to make changes that will benefit Montana and the Nation – Matt Rosendale is that person.
Matt has lived in Montana for 17 years and he has personally chosen to “hang his hat” here. He has served in the Montana Legislature honorably, strived to do the best for Montana, and the people of Montana, and has established a business here. He has raised his family in Montana.
Rosendale supports the Trump agenda and will join Senator Daines and Congressman Gianforte to support the President. A vote for Rosendale is a vote for positive change. Electing Rosendale will be good for Montana and its people and Montana will help continue the change that is underway across the country. I know where my vote is going!
— Bob Cote, Polson
Tester has to go
We must elect Matt Rosendale to be our next United States Senator from Montana. Simply put, Jon Tester has to go. Since Tester arrived in the Senate, he opposed every tax cut that came up for a vote -- including the Trump Tax Cuts that put money directly into the pockets of hardworking Montanans! In household income we are number 15 out of 16 Western states , so ask yourself is Jon for Montanans I think not. He was the deciding vote for Obama Care that resulted in higher premiums and lower coverage for folks all over the state. But that’s not enough! He even proposed that the government should have more control of our health care decisions -- resulting in rationed care and the government being in between you and your doctor. With each extremist vote Jon Tester takes, our nation moves closer and closer to a socialized one. We know that is what Bernie Sanders wants! We know that is what Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi want! But I can tell you one thing for certain -- that is NOT what Montanans want. Most of us understand what springs out of Socialism you earn a good salary only to see it stripped from your hands. Our young people don’t seem to understand nothing in life comes free somebody pays for it. I believe that Matt will serve Montanans best as our U.S. Senator, he promises to fight against this liberal, extremist agenda, and bring our Montana values back into the Senate.
— Lois Krause, Bigfork
Brodehl the right choice
Please join me in supporting Republican Randy Brodehl for County Commissioner in the general election. During his legislative career, Brodehl stood strong for our public safety, private property rights, water rights and conservative fiscal management. Brodehl has extensive fiscal management experience with his experience as a Montana legislator, fire fighter and private business owner. Brodehl opposed the CSKT water compact as a Montana legislator. Brodehl will work hard to create a business friendly environment in Flathead County and oppose any new taxes. Brodehl is a proud NRA member and avid hunter. Brodehl will fight hard for natural resource jobs in Flathead County. Please join me in supporting Republican Randy Brodehl for County Commissioner in the upcoming general election.
— Jeff H. Larsen, Lakeside
Vote yes on 6-mill levy
Every 10 years since 1948 Montanans have said YES to the 6 Mill Levy. This is the levy that provides funding for our 4-year institutions of higher learning. Montanans support the 6 Mill
Levy because they understand the value of giving each and every one of our young people the opportunity they deserve to live and work here in Montana.
The 6 Mill Levy is not a new tax and it will not increase your taxes. 70 years of success in building outstanding colleges and universities in Montana is a tremendous achievement. So please join me in continuing the proud Montana tradition of keeping our colleges and universities healthy and strong and maintain our commitment to providing our students with a world class college education. Your investment in higher education can be the key to prosperity for you, your children and grandchildren. Vote FOR the 6 Mill Levy this November.
— Jeannie Luckey, Kalispell
Vote to restore civility to politics
A man pulled a gun on me Saturday.
Not because I was trying to break into his house. Actually, I was across the yard because I couldn’t even get the front gate open.
Not because it was getting dark and he couldn’t see me plainly. Actually, it was the middle of the afternoon and I had to put my hand over my eyes because of the sun’s glare when I talked to him.
Not because I looked threatening. Actually, I’m a gray-haired lady. I was alone. I was carrying a clip-board and a pencil. I had on buttons identifying me as a candidate. And I was clearly not packing.
He didn’t point the gun at me, just stood there holding it at waist level in front of him. In fact, he didn’t even take it out of its case. He didn’t threaten me. When he came out on the porch he simply asked what I wanted. When I answered “I’m Diane Taylor-Mahnke and I’d like to be your senator” he responded “I’m not interested” and the encounter ended.
But I’ve thought a lot about it since then, not because it’s made me fearful but because it’s made me sad. Sad to see how uncivil we have become as a society.
Last week’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings were a prime example of government functioning (or not) at its worst. But it begs the question. Does government function that way because it reflects society and is elected by individuals who won’t even talk to each other, or does society feel free to greet candidates while brandishing a gun because the people at the top levels of power have implied that’s acceptable?
William Golding, a Nobel prize winner in literature, believed civilization was a thin veneer, easily stripped away.
I hope when you vote this election you make restoring civility to politics and society a priority.
— Diane Taylor-Mahnke is the Democratic candidate for Senate District 4